Friggin ouch - dang this hurts today

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Find yourself a laser therapy clinic near you. You'll be able to heal up in no time AND the lasers might help make up for missing the Floyd concert.

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Here is some theraputic information for you Bloomz. Pink Floyd is playing the Fillmore here in Miami Beach Dec 1. Don't you think a trip to sunny south Florida in December sounds like it would promote healing? :musical:
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Emphasis mine.

Reading this very carefully, I think I understand the problem...

From the sounds of it, your hospital stay involved an operation and a 90 minute massage!!!

Good to see ya back, buddy.

Find yourself a laser therapy clinic near you. You'll be able to heal up in no time AND the lasers might help make up for missing the Floyd concert.



I'm wide open to alternative stuff - if it's affordable.
It's more affordable than that medication you're on :)

The nearest clinic to you is located in Ashland, but depending on how you want to proceed you may only need to go there once. Meditech rents & sells home versions of the laser therapy equipment. In your case it would be good to go to the clinic once for an assessment prior to getting a unit for yourself.

If you're interested PM me and I'll send you more info.

Hopefully the final update on this?

I had surgery this morning and got the plate and all the screws removed. My leg is swolen like my jumping elephant's.

I hoit and I want my mommy - but she's not here any more.

Pain pills will have to substitute I guess.....

Funny thing about those tho...they don't really take away the pain - they just make me not care about it.

Ice time and bed time - nite all.
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Sending you hugs from across the miles Jon. You will feel better with each day.


Here's wishing you a painless recovery and that this is the last of the proceedures you will undergo from this experience!

Will you get to scuba and ride this summer?
Oh yeah - I got some real making up to do missing last summer!

I'm 60 and I don't believe in not doing (kewl a double negative) every fun thing that crosses my mind with the time I have left.
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Keep on getting well, Bloomz!
Oh yeah - I got some real making up to do missing last summer!

I'm 60 and I don't believe in not doing (kewl a double negative) every fun thing that crosses my mind with the time I have left.

Is that why you did that Rocket Man thingy?
Yeah...the "Doingus" had surgery yesterday and didn't go home afterwards. guessed it, he came straight back to work!!! Then do you think that he would go home and put his leg up and rest?!! NO WAY, he had to go to a Birthday Party! I hear there is another one today too.

Will someone please tell him that he needs to TAKE IT EASY?! He is not listening to "Mamma Twila"!

OK, enough of worried sister's rant. Luv ya Bro :blowkiss:
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Oh yeah - I got some real making up to do missing last summer!

I'm 60 and I don't believe in not doing (kewl a double negative) every fun thing that crosses my mind with the time I have left.

Couldn't agree with you more! Time is precious, got to make the most of it!!! Since I've retired I've discovered more new ways
to get into trouble than I dreamed possible LOL. Last week fell off a ladder and did a serious number on my still very swollen leg/knee...but with massive doses of advil and aleve didn't miss a moment on the bike.

Hope your recovery is quick and complete, my friend who crashed got the plate out of her leg and is now back on the bike every weekend and doing great. As a mattter of fact we are all taking the bikes tomorrow to the annual "love in" for old hippies:scooter::hippy2:
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You get your butt in bed NOW, put that leg up. You are not allowed to do anything now for at least a couple of days! Ya hear??!!!
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Ahh I got a burfday party to go to.

At least I'm not riding there...
Will someone please tell him that he needs to TAKE IT EASY?! He is not listening to "Mamma Twila"!


Sure...who on FlowerChat do you think your bro' would pay attention to? up so you can keep the groove on in your prime 60's! Best wishes today and always...
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