I'd bet money if you call them with a legitimate reason such as Sher's they will credit you quite easily. There are legitimate reasons - we have one in our checkout box right now waiting for a home address for 2 days from a person checked out of hospital.
You can bet we aren't going to reject it, even if they ask us to if they can't get the address.
You just have to know the rules and play by them.
I like em and it sorta forces professional order handling. And I see it from both ends, sending and receiving.
To quote JB - Opinions vary
Another reason to do away with wire service.
Yes opinions do vary - I see it as another
benefit of belonging.
I like having better reassurance of professional order handling and I like that if a shop forks up an important emotional statement (like all flower orders) - they get to pay for a remedy (refund and send the order) that will keep the customer, both our customer and the floral industry's customer.
Think about it for a second - a person goes to the "trouble" to choose a gift of flowers - thinking what a wonderful gift that is, and some nimrod florist forks it up.
Who loses?
The entire industry.
We can fix it by getting the flowers sent free - they get the great response they hoped for, hopefully, and just maybe the industry keeps a flower purchaser.
I hope the other wire services follow suit.