This Marine wants you to take a DEEP BREATH and pull your big girl panties up. In fact, if you can send me a .jpg image of that, it will be greatly appreciated! "]
As Joe pointed out, you just expounded on, what a wonderful week both you and your kids had with Dad. In fact, I distinctly remember you saying to all of us that, you just came up for some air, in order to post.
I don't know of anyone, other than a Marine Corps wife or any other wife of a service member who is under so much daily pressure.
All of you should be awarded with the MEDAL OF HONOR for what you do!
Under the best of circumstances, and even when a married couple is together and trying to raise a family and run a home, today's pressure is way beyond the norm.
Besides, most men are IDIOTS when it comes to YOU WOMEN!
Just ask the Lovely Linda, and she'll tell ya like it is!
We MEN, are HUNTERS and you women are GATHERERS!
All goes back to the days of the caves. We men would go on the hunt, and if we spotted a prey, we would point to it and say, KILL! (one word, to the point, gets the job done)
On the flip side, you women were gatherers, and pick nuts, fruits, berries, and roots, not far from the cave. The reason all of you talk so much, is due to the fact that, by talking to each other when doing the gathering, that was your way of making sure that, a predator didn't take one of you away for their dinner. If Aileen didn't answer, the rest of the women would run back to the cave.
Which now, is also why, you woman always complain to all of us men, by stating things like: WE NEVER TALK ANYMORE! We know that, a TALK will probably last 30 to 60 minutes, if not longer, and it will include a littany of all the things we have done wrong according to YOUR STANDARDS, and so, we'd rather not open up that can of worms, and would rather just open up a can of beer, and remain quiet.
Here's an example from this Marine, having been married 39 years to the lovely Linda, this June 6th.
I will ask Linda a question which only requires a ONE WORD ANSWER like in YES, or NO. Such as, do you want me to stop at the Supermarket and pick up a gallon of milk? Sounds easy, RIGHT?
Only problem is in WOMAN SPEAK, which I have yet to master.
Instead of getting a YES, or NO answer, I wind up with a 30 or 40 word diatribe, which usually has nothing to do with MILK, or the need thereof.
It's the difference between WEE MEN and YOU WOMAN!
And LORD, for the life of me, I will never understand it, nor will you women ever understand it either.
Have a good cry, because that's what you woman always need to do, another thing WEE MEN will never understand, pull up your big girl panties, (pictures to follow), and just know that, your High School Sweetheart still loves you, and he always will!
He just can't understand WOMAN SPEAK, and probably never will!
Only problem he has, is in the fact that, HE IS A MAN, and well H-E-L-L, enough said then, EY?
Are there exceptions? Absolutely, and I've known a few men who can lie through their teeth, and tell a woman everything she needs to hear, truth or NOT!
I think they are best referred to as BEING ROMANTIC! (lying their a-s-s-es off)
The funny part is in the fact that, You can't live with us, and you can't live without us! It's a wonder how the Human Race even survives.