I can't hide it anymore.....

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Aileen... I'm reading a terrific book. I recommend it. Eat, Pray, Love... Elizabeth Gilbert.

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ooh V...not very good reviews on that book on Amazon....hmm.
Eat Pray Love was one of the best books I ever read in my life. I don't know what the Amazon people are saying but if it's that the book isn't good, I wholeheartedly disagree.
ooh V...not very good reviews on that book on Amazon....hmm.

Which is why I never read reviews. I prefer to make my own judgements. It's a worthy read Aileen... honest.

Pick yourself up,get a plan in place and when the fat lady sings you'll be ready to applaud and leave the building !!
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Which is why I never read reviews. I prefer to make my own judgements. It's a worthy read Aileen... honest.


I like to read reviews. It doesn't make the decision for me though. But I do like to hear from people who have read it. I have to say I did pass this book in the store, thought about reading it. I will go check it out from the library! Thanks V....and Robin.
Well got busy, and just back to your response on this issue, You have to do what is right for you, but which there is always a but in everything, YOu have to ask your self some questions, Such as , the big one that I use, is this " If someone helps makeyour livelyhood" Then you take care of it, and if it affects it then it needs to go" I would also check out those links that I sent you, Keep in mind it is a hard thing to do, not that I walk in your shoes, or anyone of here does, this is something you need to on your own, but having children it does make it hard, also please check out those links, ifnotfornow, but also for your furture on what you decide to do.
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Aileen, as one who married her childhood sweetheart. I feel your pain....it is not always an easy road to walk....

Sometimes when with someone at such a young age, we never develop a sense of who we are and find ourselves in our 30s growing up and realizing that we never let ourselves be ourselves....We find that we have been lead around all our lives by other people...I am sure you will do what ever is right for you and your family...being a military man, your husband spends an awful amount of time in the gruffness of stern military strictness and may not even realize that he is projecting that onto you...and then again he may and not care, only you know...I do hope you can both work through this as it is very obvious that you love him and I am sure he love you, but know that we are here for you no matter what road you life leads you down...

Three years is a long time to soul search and I am sure you have given it your all to make things work..As long as you have tried, you have nothing to feel guilty about...
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God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to kow the difference.

Aileen, Life is tough, marriage is tough, being a parent is tough, military life is tough. Being abused is unacceptable. PERIOD

You are resoureful and tougher than all that. Divorce sucks, divorce with children involved is worse, but you are an amazing person an you WILL make the right decision for you and your children. Stay or go, you'll figure it out. I send you prayers for peace and acceptance what ever you decision is.

My divorce some 15 years ago made me strong and capable beyond my expectations. We did marriage couseling until the therapist finally took me aside and said , he'll never change or own up, it's up to you to accept or move on. That took and year and a half of therapy and alot of money. My kids were ultimately grateful and I was able to move on in peace.

My thoughts are with you,
I can write it...:)

heard this on the radio....marriage is a case of three rings.....engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering!!
Aileen, you can write what you want about me, you can say what you want about me, but, remember this...you need a friend, I'm amongst one of many on this board, and diarrhea is my "specialty".....
Aileen, Life is tough, marriage is tough, being a parent is tough, military life is tough. Being abused is unacceptable. PERIOD

You are resoureful and tougher than all that. Divorce sucks, divorce with children involved is worse, but you are an amazing person an you WILL make the right decision for you and your children. Stay or go, you'll figure it out. I send you prayers for peace and acceptance what ever you decision is.

My divorce some 15 years ago made me strong and capable beyond my expectations. We did marriage couseling until the therapist finally took me aside and said , he'll never change or own up, it's up to you to accept or move on. That took and year and a half of therapy and alot of money. My kids were ultimately grateful and I was able to move on in peace.

My thoughts are with you,

Aileen, Lorrie is living proof that "when the going gets impossible", you take a different fork in the road, BUT, you're STILL on that road!!
This Marine wants you to take a DEEP BREATH and pull your big girl panties up. In fact, if you can send me a .jpg image of that, it will be greatly appreciated! "

Here ya go...Take your pick!!


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heard this on the radio....marriage is a case of three rings.....engagement ring, wedding ring, and suffering!!
Aileen, you can write what you want about me, you can say what you want about me, but, remember this...you need a friend, I'm amongst one of many on this board, and diarrhea is my "specialty".....

Mikey, I'm not mad at you. I had a moment of anger but it's subsided. I don't think bad of you. So no worries. I was the one who had diarrhea of the mouth.... ;)
Eat Pray Love was one of the best books I ever read in my life. I don't know what the Amazon people are saying but if it's that the book isn't good, I wholeheartedly disagree.
Read it once and listened to it twice.
The best!
.....i was thinking toto's request would have been more
along these lines:


I am not too far off am I??
uh...I ...am....now..blind. lol
Those are some very big girl panties.....wowwiee!!!!
I will take Rick's advice of planning a trip just for the two of us. We've never had that time alone, ever. So I will give it one more try. Thank you all for your advice and encouragement. Doesn't mean it erases everything for me...just that I haven't given up entirely on us. A good friend told me that goodbye may just be the beginning again for the two of us. We shall see.

Wanted to share...

This has been my theme song for awhile now:

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