I hate guns

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thank you for this thread.

I just renewed my NRA membership. I have not been a member in 8 years.


p.s. don't you have some extra reading to do?

Hmmm, good idear Joe. Been 10 years for me.

BTW, don't forget us Pennsylvanians are "clinging to our guns and religion" over here... We'll see who's clinging to what on election day...

For those of you who don't know, literally the majority of the state - colleges included - shut down when deer season opens. About the only things running are in major metro areas - Philly and Pittsburgh. When I was at PSU, they actually CANCELED CLASSES on the first day of Buck season...

- H.
Hubby has a great many guns. No ammo is found in the house (tis in a locked box in his truck) but the best line ever used when daughters brought home boyfriends for the first time:

"Want to see my guns?" says Dad. "But don't mind them, watch out for my wife, she's a dead shot with a bow".

(Actually runner - up in a state association archery two day event but I had many more trophys than he ever thought of)
NRA <----------- ManorMan
2nd Amendment Supporter <-------------ManorMan
Of the opinion that the entire system is failing, or has already failed, thus causing needless and senseless loss of life <----------------ManorMan

There will never be an answer, or justification for any innocent that has been maimed or lost life, or a family member that has suffered as a result, but sweeping bans that will deprive careful and honest people from their rights are not the answer, nor will they ever be.

Alcohol is also abused and can in fact lead to issues of violence, yet not all succumb to the evil.
Every right, vice or preference presents challenges. Only a small percentage abuse them all, yet it is always the majority that is expected to pay the price.

If and when it all hits the fan, America will defend itself, once again, in the defense of our freedom, not with golf clubs and pens, or tea and crumpets.

The historical cycle is repeating itself, and it's pretty much right on schedule.
Guessing that the worst is yet to come

Good thread indeed. Kudos to all for freedom of expression.
"Are you saying these murders were committed without guns? And now hubby is carrying a gun to protect himself?"

Shannon - You certainly have a knack of reading things that are just not written or just like trying to split hairs.

What I did say was there have been 3 Murders.

Yes - these were bashing deaths. However because of escalating violence in this particular area, tensions are on the rise. ( or for you desperation)

My intended point was IF there were guns within this community I am sure that they would of been used by now and things would be much, much worse. I would then be even more concerned about him going to work.

And no, my Hubby DOES NOT carry a Gun - I like to think he is too smart for that. - and besides it is Illegal in my country as pointed out previously.
Karla, I'm not trying to split hairs, I truly did not understand what you were saying.
I read it several times and I couldn't understand, please forgive my ignorance.

I'm not trying to argue either, but the murders did occur with out guns.
Karla, I'm not trying to split hairs, I truly did not understand what you were saying.
I read it several times and I couldn't understand, please forgive my ignorance.

I'm not trying to argue either, but the murders did occur with out guns.

Just proves again that the Written word can be easily misinterpreted by the reader.

Look - look I fully support the Ideal that EVERYBODY is entitled to their own opinions. I have Mine - you have yours. Simple.

I can't see the point why we need to argue our own views , it will just keep going round and round - I will not change my view and I'm guessing you the same.

Each to their own.
Just proves again that the Written word can be easily misinterpreted by the reader.

Look - look I fully support the Ideal that EVERYBODY is entitled to their own opinions. I have Mine - you have yours. Simple.

I can't see the point why we need to argue our own views , it will just keep going round and round - I will not change my view and I'm guessing you the same.

Each to their own.

I agree... totally. And by the way, guns suck.

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Both the person that allowed this boy to shoot that gun and the boys father are idiots having said that the majority of people who go to gun shows or sell guns or hunt are not idiots and the 2nd admendment is one of our most important rights. I hunt I own several long rifiles and I own a 9mm pistol all safely and properly locked up in a gun safe that only myself and my 32 year old son have the combination to.
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