With all due respect, nothing frustrates me more than fine florists, like yourself, saying we can't compete with (fill the blank).
The question is NOT whether we can or cannot compete. That's really irrelevant. The question is how we could compete and the feasibility of each strategy we come up with.
People have this tendency to make a blanket judgement based on conventional wisdom and stop thinking. This might be OK, when things are going well and we don't have to think. But now, I think we must start thinking about te validity of each conventional wisdom more critically.
If we can't think of any way of effectively competing with supermarkets, I think it's probably because we (I mean independent florists as a whole) are intellectually lazy or because we don't have guts to try new "crazy" ideas. Most likely both.
That's too bad, because eventually someone else will figure it out.
Our local grocery stores are selling a bunch of tulips for $6.99. We sell the same thing at $7.99. People buy those things.
It didn't come easily. Initially no one bought our DIY flowers. It tested my resolve and self-doubt. But I was (and still am) determined to make it work, no matter what.
I really want to see more florists at least try something.