Please pray for my dog.

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Thank you everyone for your prayers and thoughts and well wishes. I am very sad to say we have not found him. I have called the area animal hospitals and SPCA, nothing at all. My neighbors have not seen him...

We are praying that he did not take off after a deer in to the woods. He would not have survived the storm and cold at his age if he got lost in the woods as his sight is so bad and his sence of smell is really impaired. Ah and then there is the creek... I do not want to think about that. Anyways, please keep praying for his return.

stronger wishes from NJ.... I'm really sorry to hear he's not home yet. :(
Stories like this really get to me. I care so deeply for animals, more than what i would consider normal. I am praying for his safe return home. Is there someone home during the day incase he comes back?
Please keep us posted.

So sorry to hear this news. I know that you must be beside yourself with worry. Have been in your shoes before and I can relate. Sending the best of thoughts and prayers your way.


*hugs* and prayers thinking about you and your pup .
Hope Cole is dad lost his 2 dogs one Christmas eve, both of the little dummies got out and managed to stay together, and someone took them in. The people eventually took them to the humane society and that's where my dad found them. It took a couple weeks. Both dogs are fine. I pray for the same outcome for yours.
Thank you thank you thank you!!! Thank you for all the prayers...Cole has been found. We called the SPCA every day since he has been gone. They told us they did not have him. Today we took a ride there to see for ourselves. Lo and bdhold he was there! Has been there since the first day he went missing. He became so excited when he knew we were there, jumping and barking, you would have thought he was a pup, not 12 years old and blind. Then the sad news came, we were not able to take him home. We need to go to the Town Hall where we live and get proof of him being ours and pay a fine for him running away. My heart was broken to have to leave him there, locked in a cage, no blanket, and it was so cold in there that all the employees were wearing coats, hats, gloves. I am so happy that he is unharmed, hopefully he is not sick when they release him to us. He is old to be in that cold place!

The SPCA is so full of lost and abondoned animals it is heartbreaking. I am going to check out their website wish list tonight and see what i can donate. I'm sure I must have some old blankets around also.

Thank you all again, It was comforting to know that people here were concerned and praying for him.

Wow, Joan,

That is the BEST news I've heard all month!
I am thrilled, i have been thinking about your dog since it happened. How nice you have him back. That piece of news has really made my day!:grovel:

Annaleisa, I am so sorry that you did not have the happy ended, my heart goes out to you!
Jourmaine and Winchester both send great big sloppy dog kisses to Cole!!
So glad that you found you can sleep at night.
Joan, I'm glad Cole led you to the kennels so you can donate what you can to help those poor creatures. I'm so glad Cole is fine and will be home with his family very soon.

Prayers answered.....

Joan and Peter.... glad he's back.....
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