Will work for $$

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Well, This is a first - My 71 year old Mom looked at the picture - her exact words

" Who was the bride? Miss Tacky-rama? "

She said that obviously this bride had more GOOD MONEY than she had GOOD TASTE.
Oh, what we do in the name of paying the bills.

Not my favorite, but I did my best. I submit evidence of my floral whoredom below. It really is what the bride wanted, and she loved loved loved this - her bouquet.
OMG, they're like giant purple people eaters.

Was Barney the groom by any chance ??? lol
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Sometimes, it is impossible to talk a bride into getting a more beautiful bouquet !
Like you, only thing we can do is give what she wants !!?
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We have so much trouble with blue tipped roses at homecoming/prom, those callas would be a nightmare for me! Why do they do this to us? There ought to be a law......

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yay you chick!....If the bride was happy, that's what it's all about ya?
now onto this "Union".........I think you should be the president....V can be the northern area rep...and hmmm....aha! I shall be in charge of wine!!!
We already know who's in charge of drinking vessels ...woo-hooo!
you rock baby-o!
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Hey Trac,

At least she knew what she wanted....it's all pretty easy from there...
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lol Sooo sorry, but that is hysterical! That is actually worse than a bride I had 2 weeks ago. She wanted orange roses with BB! UGH!!! But I have to say the ruffle bubble bowls with the blue rocks and BB is quite a visual!

Yeah and I forgot to mention the best part. Her wedding was in the largest, most elegant reception room in my area. The room is called the "GOLD room"
Was Barney the groom by any chance ??? lol
No, meet Grimace the groom!


Back to work now, gotta get that baby in my portfolio!!
wow!! Those white callas are REALLY white!! Mine never come in that white
They were absolutely stunning - Mayesh open cut callas $3.49 I think, but from our local wholesaler. Well worth the extra $1.00+ over the tighty SA's when you need them to be a fat focal. It was a shame to have to paint them, but if you start with a perfect canvas ....
They were absolutely stunning - Mayesh open cut callas $3.49 I think, but from our local wholesaler. Well worth the extra $1.00+ over the tighty SA's when you need them to be a fat focal. It was a shame to have to paint them, but if you start with a perfect canvas ....

Yes, beautiful, shame you had to paint some but a blessing you didn't have to paint all of them!
Really lovely! I imagine the photos from the wedding will give it continuity with the purple calas echoing the purple gowns. I cringe when I have to paint anything so I know how it hurts especially with such beautiful callas but I think the result was remarkable. Kudos!
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Next time please add a BIG A** WARNING to your posts of this nature...like "wear sunglasses! Holy Canoli GF...the brightness of it all...but really you can't be a ho till you have added tinted BB to it! You are only a ho in training..sorry to disappoint ya..
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Well welcome then! I think we need a secret handshake, and maybe a uniform toolbelt that requires spray paint, glitter spray, ting ting, lace ribbon ......

Don't forget the budvase loop...

Next time please add a BIG A** WARNING to your posts of this nature...like "wear sunglasses! Holy Canoli GF...the brightness of it all...but really you can't be a ho till you have added tinted BB to it! You are only a ho in training..sorry to disappoint ya..

Again I find myself in great ho company.

V... who has been forced to tint Gyp. Yetch!
I thought the design was lovely given what you were asked to work with.

However, the throwing around of the w word in this thread really bothers me. I'm a just a prude I guess. I find the word and the fact that being one is so acceptable truly offensive. Maybe I should have lurked this one, but couldn't help posting my two cents. I will do just about anything for a customer but would never claim that label.
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