(condensed for brevity)
If someone chooses not to join the new FC, and pay the annual fee, what happens to all the posts that person has made over their previous membership time? Are they deleted? Are they accessible for future reference? Who now will become the owner of this information, if this forum is no longer free?
You ask a good question - and the answer is no different than what applies to every other social content site on the web, from Google Maps to Rip Off Report to the millions of social networking sites: Once you post and publish your content on someone else's forum, you give up some rights to control it. We don't delete information posted on FlowerChat, except in very rare circumstances of obscenity and spam.
As with any other person who has left the site (voluntarily or not), the content will remain.
can you tell me how specifically the money charged will be used? and will $100 memberships be able to read posts by $500 memberships et al?
I did some rough math and appreciate all of the time that has gone into maintaining FC...over the years I have contributed without being asked...actually I encouraged Ryan to create a donation button. The question that jumps out to me is...what does my 100 bucks contribute to. Is it income for Ryan...is it a source for expanding Strider...is it going to be used to promote real florists like we have talked about for freakin years. Adding up the potential members, my figures show this could be well over 200 grand...and then some as FC grows.I ask how my money will be used as I am trimming like a wild woman like many of you and will have to sacrifice something in order to drop 100 bucks so other than having the chat and picking up some tidbits ..and at over 200 grand, it is a expensive chat forum...how will the money be used. Please dont be offended, I just need to make some decisions and I want to make sure my money is really going to benefit me in the industry as a whole...if I chose not to spend the money, I sure will miss all that doggone casino cash I finally earned by blogging about the FC and coming in second...
I've grouped Sher & Sharon to answer both:
Sher -
I love your math!! Empress, if your scenario comes true, it will open a world of possibilities.
I'm hearing a lot about how florists are tightening belts, and I want you to understand that you're not alone in this. I agonized over the decision to start FC because Janis & I didn't have the $100 for the software (price was lower back then), let alone domain and hosting.
In your businesses, if a division isn't producing revenue you can: 1) keep it as a loss leader or labour of love; 2) improve its contribution; 3) cut it lose. Many of you are going through those stages now - as are we. Strider is a growing firm with increasing demands on our time and resources. We can no longer subsidize the operation of FlowerChat as it existed until this morning. The revenue that we have brought in from donations and advertising over the past 12 months doesn't even cover our server costs, let alone the hours we put into the site each week.
I refuse to let FC die off, and we can't keep it as is, so we are left with the option of making FC start to carry its own weight. It is without shame that I acknowledge that some of the revenue will be that - revenue for Strider. We're a business and have to act like one. I also intend to cobble together as many florists as will come along for the ride and see what we can do get your phones ringing again, to get customers to shop direct, and to get more people buying flowers.
As Cathy so rightly said, what we can do depends on how many florists are willing to transition from complaining about wire services and grocery stores and take some reasonable, sustained and thought-out action together.
Anticipating a reasonable number of FC members opting to join with us, we have initiated a new project that will involve re-investing a significant amount of this FC revenue into a new marketing project. The phases of this project are mapped out, and things are coming together. More can be discussed privately or in a forum that's not open to public viewing, but here's how it shakes down for now:
- FlowerChat Paid Membership: What we have now is immensely valuable to florists, and we've committed to support our subscribers with additional Premium Content
- Reinvesting revenue in a new project
- New project will have a subscription fee, either for entry or upgrade (undecided)
Our local FTD Conference (before they cancelled it) was about $350 / person, plus $150 / night hotel and some meals, travel, etc. For that you got some networking once a year, 3-4 speakers for 45 min each (usually business, internet, tech) and a design show. For $100 at FlowerChat you're getting monthly content from Jennifer Laycock (not the inhouse IT guy from a WS), design ideas from Phil Rulloda (anyone heard of him?), and sales advice from Tim Huckabee. And year-round networking. And lots more.
To be clear: the subscription fee is for your access to FC, but some of it will be invested in our next project which will be a for-profit project aimed at filling a great need.
Having revenue from FC means we can justify more time and resources - programming, development, management. One example is the new Live Help button that appears in a few key areas of the site to assist people learning their way around FC.
And while that question is out there, maybe you could tell me about guest browsing.
Aren't threads in the news and announcements section open to the public? :dunno: I think that's why guests are able to read this thread.
They can also view the photo gallery, the florists' directory and public blog posts.
The question of who can access what on FlowerChat is raised frequently. The best way to see for yourself is to log out and see what areas of the site you can access. (A few relevant forums, and public-facing content like the gallery and blogs.)
Newly registered members will have a window of opportunity to browse some forums before having to subscribe, at which point they will be able to post.
I thank V for all the time and effort she puts into this forum. Charging "admission" means that the forum will change. The terms of use/service need to be very clearly spelled out, (which Tracey stated), and I cannot find those anywhere here, either.
The TOS have been re-written, and are currently available on the registration page. I will be adding them to a dedicated page in the near future, but haven't had the hours yet. (FTR: I'm running on 3 hours sleep, with about 16 of the last 24 hours spent here working on FC and 4-5 hours spent at my Dad's birthday party - which is why I didn't answer your question immediately.)
What can be accomplished will be a direct result of the support funds available to accomplish it.
Truly, I can't say it better. FlowerChat will be our resource for educating and uniting florists. The new project will be our voice to the consumers. What we say and how we say it is up to the florists. For years we've been hearing and reading the calls to unite, to take action, to have a voice - the time is here, and you won't find a better time than now.
Personally, I've already committed thousands of my own dollars to a new project anticipating that the florists are ready to get behind something not governed by conflicting motives. I've put my money where my mouth is, called on favours and friends, and I'm going out on a limb thinking that our members here are ready for a change.
The ball is now in your court, FC people.

Who's with me?