This thing about "where the money's going"... if you were new to flowerChat come say July, and decided to pay and join, would you ask the same question?
who cares! It's none of our business really what Ryan does with his money, his Forum Content (That becomes his the moment you type it), and his playground. No one has ownership of anything here except Ryan, (regardless of how long you have been here) and if he chooses to charge to let you in his back yard, then that is his prerogative. IMO FC has ALWAYS BEEN a business venture for Ryan, as are almost every forum on the net. The free / ad free ones are paid by paying association memberships and such. Others are covered by the cost of advertising, and others still, the niche ones, are pay to play.
I firmly believe that this will improve the quality of the board, not diminish it. No, there is no guarantees that the content will continue to be as engaging or relevant, but then again, why wouldn't it. While some people will be bidding their adieu, other new members will continue to join. Does larger membership and more posts ensure better content? I don't think so. Is this a social gathering? Perhaps for some, and likely not worth the cash for them. Not me. While I am delightfully entertained by the wire service threads and order gatherer bashing threads, it's not why I am here at all.
Man, I don't even get involved in 90% of the forum categories (like design, POS systems) because they aren't relevant to me, and I still think its worth it.
Where else can any old business owner get the opinion of several hundred other niche business owners at one time? I guess the other thing that I would like to see come out of this is an organization that can get some things done. It sounds like that may be coming. Wouldn't it be nice to get stuff done? We know that committees of hundreds can't get anything done, we have proven that. With no clear leadership, we can't get anywhere. Remember the thread on the "Where the Hell is Matt" video. After I brought out the crash cart 2 or 3 times, it still died. It sounds like this is what may be happening, but I don't want to ask too many questions until all of the attrition occurs and it is just the coalition of the willing left to discuss our initiatives. So, I'll be hanging around for that.
Another benefit of this being a paid membership, is that if you are paying for it, you may as well use it. I would love to see the percentage of active posters go up dramatically. This change could make that happen.
I am not too sure why I am so adamant about this today, but perhaps because the ones asking all the questions are power users, and I want those who are lurkers or shy to also see a positive opinion on the subject and I would like to see them stay.