Announcement Change Is Here!

It's a neat concept - it allows for short term membership but it's not practical long term - $100 vs $360. As I said to Ryan in private, I'd love to stay but if the money isn't there, it's just not there.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the realities that require Flowerchat to take this step. I'm just not solvent enough to take that step too.

Perhaps Ryan can create some type of a donated subscription. Others that are doing well and continue with FC could help others stay on, especially those who post regularly. 10 shops donating $10 would cover one membership. Just a thought.

Perhaps what he has envisioned will work perhaps it won't, but to do nothing is stupid. The alternative is just to close your doors and end it.

I been here since 2004 and we have argued over the same things all these years and yet we have never done a darn thing to try and take back this industry. There were far more of us Florist here in the US and Canada back then and we continue to lose more every single day. Together we have clout indiviually we can't make a ripple in a mud puddle . The florist industry is at the cross roads not just for the florist but I think for the wire services and the wholesalers too. Unless we reinvent this business and develope a brand that we can promote and rally behind then our future is indeed bleek. It is clear that some here are caught in a bad finacial position but I suspect that as their finacial position improves they will rejoin. I have played a lot of sports over the years and I have been involved in managment in some large companies and two phrases stand out in my mind as we look forward.

No Guts No Glory! and You either part of the solution or your part of the problem!
Perhaps Ryan can create some type of a donated subscription. Others that are doing well and continue with FC could help others stay on, especially those who post regularly. 10 shops donating $10 would cover one membership. Just a thought.

That's a great idea - and one that we're working to implement. We've already had some donated subscriptions that we processed manually, and I'm working to automate that capability.
Well said Steve. I started on the other board in 2005, and your right just a lot of arguing. I am ready to stand up and fight!
I'd like to see the florist ban into a group to create their own network, rules, designs, under the leadership of folks in the position to create that new network. It's not like we all don't know what needs to be done. Mark owns a great domain "", Ryan has the platform, Cathy has the insider knowledge, we all have locations to fill orders around the country. Something else we have is the sense enough to know that we need to price and design what will sell. We could share designs, choose the ones likely to sell, compile a design book, and agree on a reasonable price for the item, then pass orders through our florist owned network. Sure there would need to be a membership fee, but maybe the $100 year, might cover that or at least some of it. Hey this is a start. It's more than we've had before.

I don't even know if this is the kind of thing that Ryan has been speaking of, but I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. No guts No survival!
I agree to some degree, but....

Also - I don't think it's appropriate to ask where the money will go. Ryan has stated that some of the money will be used to enhance and add value to the service he is selling. Some of it will hopefully be profit. He shouldn't be expected to explain how much goes where or how it will be used.

But... there is a significant difference here. Ryan is for the most part using content( intellectual property ) as the service he sells. He cannot guarantee that the same level of service will continue, especially after the weeding out process has ended.
He stated that he intends to better the industry, so I think it is only fair to ask for a little explanation.
We don't ask our customers to come sweep our floors or dust or wash buckets or even do arrangements or delivery, so there is the difference, He is selling what we have contributed freely and willingly on a free forum. For that reason I see no problem in asking.
I actually have to justify delivery price increases, increased cost at V-day and any other fluctuation in the percieved value my customer receives on a daily basis, So again, It should be expected here. There is an expectation of increased value when you increase the cost of a product or service by 100 times, so I think it only reasonable to ask and expect an answer, What you choose to do as a result of that answer, as you said is of course a personal matter.

Best wishes mrflowermarket
Yes Steve I do!

I've been doing this a long time. I have seen bad economies come and go, I have seen my 10,000 outbound orders a year cut to 1500 and at the same time seen my NET improve. I have seen the industry morph into something unimaginable even 10 years ago and I want to be part of the solution for the generations that follow. The retail flower business will never go away, and it will improve, especially if florists stop assisting the very companies doing the most damage today.

I know one thing Steve, I will not be on the design bench next Christmas, the good Lord shared that with me December 22nd at about 7:45pm, but I will always be in the flower business, I have a daughter in training and base all my decisions on her future.

Your comments beg the question, Mark.

How will you be supporting yourself in the future, if no longer in the shop?

Will you be the person operating this new FlowerChat endeavor "for florists' future"?

Will our membership dues through FlowerChat be funding your salary?

I believe we have the right to know at least this much, as to where our money is going...

Ryan and others, thanks for response. The bottom line is that Ryan is the landlord and he decides how much the rent should be. Tenants only decide whether to move out or not. Some will stay while others go, the decision which is entirely up to each tenant.

FC now becomes a business venture that replies on subscribers' fees. Does it work? I don't know. All I know for certain is that it will change the whole dynamics. Now that each subscriber will evaluate whether it's worth $100/yr, the fee that exceeds the annual fee of a typical trade magazine (like Florists Review). FC will be competing for the same dollar.

Interesting things is that publishers of trade magazines control their own content, while FC, for the most part, can't control the content, because content is mostly provided by subscribers. One of my friends says it's a bit like charging listeners for a radio talk show. I agree witht that characerization. Charging listerners of a talk show is an interesting concept that, in my opinion, has not been throughly tested in the media.

I don't know what I will do. I will not jump in at this moment, but I might join later on if enough interesting people join and, more importantly, keep posting something valuable.

Thanks again though.
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Your comments beg the question, Mark.

How will you be supporting yourself in the future, if no longer in the shop?

Will you be the person operating this new FlowerChat endeavor "for florists' future"?

Will our membership dues through FlowerChat be funding your salary?

I believe we have the right to know at least this much, as to where our money is going...

Yes I too believe you have a right to know. I did not say I would not be in the store, I said I would "not be on the design bench" any longer... big difference. But that aside, as to supporting myself, real estate gathered over the previous generations in my family is a blessing today and will be in the future. Should I decide to get out completely, that alone will take care of me for some time.

I do not receive any compensation from FlowerChat at this point in time. It is/has not been a topic of discussion between Ryan and myself. I will not deny that I have aspirations to do "something else" with my life, I'm currently trying to construct and fund a half-way house for released prisoners and homeless parolees as well as another homeless shelter, and I also have visions, misguided as they may be that someday I can make a real difference in the flower industry too.

If and when the time comes, that there is either an opening at Strider or FlowerChat that I might qualify for, then that would have to be weighed against my current responsibilities and personal needs. At this point in time, I do not see that happening.

This thing about "where the money's going"... if you were new to flowerChat come say July, and decided to pay and join, would you ask the same question?
But... there is a significant difference here. Ryan is for the most part using content( intellectual property ) as the service he sells. He cannot guarantee that the same level of service will continue, especially after the weeding out process has ended.
He stated that he intends to better the industry, so I think it is only fair to ask for a little explanation.
We don't ask our customers to come sweep our floors or dust or wash buckets or even do arrangements or delivery, so there is the difference, He is selling what we have contributed freely and willingly on a free forum. For that reason I see no problem in asking.
I actually have to justify delivery price increases, increased cost at V-day and any other fluctuation in the percieved value my customer receives on a daily basis, So again, It should be expected here. There is an expectation of increased value when you increase the cost of a product or service by 100 times, so I think it only reasonable to ask and expect an answer, What you choose to do as a result of that answer, as you said is of course a personal matter.

I think I've been really clear on this, and I don't know how else to say it: you are paying for access to the facilities and information at FlowerChat. It's a service that members pay to access. The money goes to Strider, the business that provides the service.

And yes, we will be adding additional value to FlowerChat. That's been stated repeatedly as well.

The term "intellectual property" has been often misapplied in this thread. The content belongs to FlowerChat once it's posted, and that is not in anyway unique to FC.
After reading this thread, I would like to suggest a wonderful book to everyone. I am sure some here may have already read it. It's called The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon.

Looks to me, Ryan, like you've got yourself an Energy Bus sort of situation here. :thumbsup

Aileen, you intrigued me. I looked up this book on Amazon. In one of the reviews, it listed Jon Gordon's 10 Rules to Fuel your Life, Work and Team With Positive Energy:
1) You're the driver of your bus
2) Desire, vision, and focus move your bus in the right direction
3) Fuel your ride with positive energy (negative energy is friction)
4) Invite people on your bus and share your vision for the road ahead
5) Don't waste your energy on those who don't get on your bus
6) Post a sign that says no energy vampires allowed on your bus (get rid of the malcontents)
7) Enthusiasm attracts more passengers and energizes them for the ride
8) Love your passengers by giving them your time, listening, recognition, service - work to bring out the best in them
9) Drive with purpose
10) Have fun and enjoy the ride
But... there is a significant difference here. Ryan is for the most part using content( intellectual property ) as the service he sells. He cannot guarantee that the same level of service will continue, especially after the weeding out process has ended.
He stated that he intends to better the industry, so I think it is only fair to ask for a little explanation.
We don't ask our customers to come sweep our floors or dust or wash buckets or even do arrangements or delivery, so there is the difference, He is selling what we have contributed freely and willingly on a free forum. For that reason I see no problem in asking.
I actually have to justify delivery price increases, increased cost at V-day and any other fluctuation in the percieved value my customer receives on a daily basis, So again, It should be expected here. There is an expectation of increased value when you increase the cost of a product or service by 100 times, so I think it only reasonable to ask and expect an answer, What you choose to do as a result of that answer, as you said is of course a personal matter.

Best wishes mrflowermarket

Hey mrflowermarket,

I think the model here is that Ryan provides the forum for the discussion (and going forward some additional content as well) and charges in return. A caller to a radio call-in show contributes to the discussion but has no expectation of disclosure of the radio station's business plans.

The monthly plan seems like an ideal way to test the waters without making a big commitment. If you like what you see then the annual plan would offer you greater savings.

Just finished putting my $100.00 in the pot. Sure hope more of you join me. Please don't let that annual membership stop you from stepping out on faith.
Faith is a powerful thing, make use of it. I've tired of seeing so many shops going under.

Your paying so much more to the WS's, drop one of them, pay the $100.00 and see what differences it makes in your shop.
As I've said before, you don't have to renew, and the WS's will be glad to let you back in. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Also, I'm not part of the inner circle here, (yet... as I do want to help), nor am I pushing someone elses agenda, I simply see what might be and I want to be apart of that.
This thing about "where the money's going"... if you were new to flowerChat come say July, and decided to pay and join, would you ask the same question?

Concur, who cares! It's none of our business really what Ryan does with his money, his Forum Content (That becomes his the moment you type it), and his playground. No one has ownership of anything here except Ryan, (regardless of how long you have been here) and if he chooses to charge to let you in his back yard, then that is his prerogative. IMO FC has ALWAYS BEEN a business venture for Ryan, as are almost every forum on the net. The free / ad free ones are paid by paying association memberships and such. Others are covered by the cost of advertising, and others still, the niche ones, are pay to play.

I firmly believe that this will improve the quality of the board, not diminish it. No, there is no guarantees that the content will continue to be as engaging or relevant, but then again, why wouldn't it. While some people will be bidding their adieu, other new members will continue to join. Does larger membership and more posts ensure better content? I don't think so. Is this a social gathering? Perhaps for some, and likely not worth the cash for them. Not me. While I am delightfully entertained by the wire service threads and order gatherer bashing threads, it's not why I am here at all.

Man, I don't even get involved in 90% of the forum categories (like design, POS systems) because they aren't relevant to me, and I still think its worth it.

Where else can any old business owner get the opinion of several hundred other niche business owners at one time? I guess the other thing that I would like to see come out of this is an organization that can get some things done. It sounds like that may be coming. Wouldn't it be nice to get stuff done? We know that committees of hundreds can't get anything done, we have proven that. With no clear leadership, we can't get anywhere. Remember the thread on the "Where the Hell is Matt" video. After I brought out the crash cart 2 or 3 times, it still died. It sounds like this is what may be happening, but I don't want to ask too many questions until all of the attrition occurs and it is just the coalition of the willing left to discuss our initiatives. So, I'll be hanging around for that.

Another benefit of this being a paid membership, is that if you are paying for it, you may as well use it. I would love to see the percentage of active posters go up dramatically. This change could make that happen.

I am not too sure why I am so adamant about this today, but perhaps because the ones asking all the questions are power users, and I want those who are lurkers or shy to also see a positive opinion on the subject and I would like to see them stay.
Watching this string of posts develop, one thing seems to be coming forward. It seems the ones most willing to pay to belong to the board are those who have a great need for the information that those poeple who provided that information are unwilling to pay to give out.

Without those providers, how willing will those in need be willing to pay?

I don't think I necessarily fit that description. I am fairly new to this board (joined it in October, but only became active in the past six weeks), have learned much from some posters, but also had to weed through a lot of "stuff" (non-productive, in my opinion) to glean that information. Yes, I look forward to continuing to learn from the sharings of others (as well as contribute myself), but I am also greatly looking forward to the upcoming speakers, like Huckabee, that I would otherwise have to spend much more to learn from. I consider that resource on its own to be worth the $100.
The question has just been posed off forum...Will the general public be allowed to pay their fare and get on board this bus?
There are members concerned that their private comments will be seen by the public.

Are we not going to remain a membership of real florist, suppliers, vendors???
I concur a fee may be necessary.
I also hope your definition of professional excludes arcades, casinos and frienkds. I don't see what these have to do with the flower business.
Rhonda, that's what I am saying. If those people who gave you those tips were no longer here, would the value to you be the same?

I just don't believe that the people who choose to be paying members of this board will have no contributing value to others. That's a pretty judgmental statement. Yes, I'm sure those who have left the board had vast knowledge and a willingness to share. It's a shame. But that doesn't mean the rest of us are valueless.
I concur a fee may be necessary.
I also hope your definition of professional excludes arcades, casinos and frienkds. I don't see what these have to do with the flower business.

Sometimes it's just fun to chat with friends and blow off steam in the arcade. Again, it's a personal choice whether or not to participate in all that is offered here.

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This thing about "where the money's going"... if you were new to flowerChat come say July, and decided to pay and join, would you ask the same question?

That's just it.

I'm not new.

Been around for over 7 years now on FlowerChat.

Remember, I paid my dues before they were "required".

With these changes, was hoping from some degree of transparency, as is the vogue in the "new economy".

So...please forgive me...if I ask some questions as an "old-timer".

Kinda wanna know if people of my persuasion are desirable or not down the road...
What category do I "fit" into? I am a former owner of a flower shop, now returning to my roots as a graphic designer, who genuinely wants to stay in touch with the floral community by helping florists in any way I can. One of the ways I believe I can help is by doing some of the grunt work for florists, mainly small-town florists, who want to create or re-design a website, including logos, photo enhancement, layout, writing and editing, even pricing, etc., by using the various economical web building programs available on the net such as,,,, or even teleflora, FTD, FSN, for which setup, customization and maintenance are the main time-consuming concerns.
My services are not about competing with Big Fish like Strider. I am not a programmer or SEO expert. I am a one-person show just trying to make a living like everybody else and because I've owned and operated a flower shop, I do know enough to understand a florist's needs and challenges and can utilize the above cost-effective alternatives to the florist's advantage, which ultimately saves thousands of dollars.
In other words, my goal is to help florists set up their own websites (most of the above web building programs allow you to create your own templates) and then I'll tell/show them how to easily update it (photos, pricing, seasonal changes, etc.) so they can do it themselves, thereby saving them even more money in the long-run. If a florist is too busy to update their site, I'm available do that for them on an as-needed basis for a very small fee (like paying an extra designer at holidays). And yes, like most everyone these days, I know basic SEO and can help with that, again for small-town florists in particular.
The best place for me to reach and network with florists is through an online forum such as FlowerChat. I originally joined in 2005, after I became a flower shop owner. But I was too busy to participate back then (boy, I would have benefitted from all the good ideas on here!). I suspect that's the case for many smaller florists who wear many hats and are required to be present on the shop floor.
By the way, I am also a convicted supporter of florists uniting through a new delivery method that is convenient, affordable, effective and easy to use, because I still care very much about this industry and desire nothing but success for real florists.
I would like to stay on so please tell me which category I fit into. Thank you!
Congratulations on the evolution of that "twinkle in your eye", Ryan.