Anyone that ran for this office is/was insane - that's a given.
Anyone who claims they can straighten out this mess is either a liar or a egomaniac with delusions of grandeur.
But it's time to give the hippies a chance cuz it's just continued to get worse with the Hawks.
McBush is probably a decent Senator - and that's a good place for him - let him reform the Senate. Being a
proven liar - I don't want him to have the chance in the Big Boy Chair.
Obama's probably a liar too, but until he shows that - we can't really say. Clinton said the other nite something interesting something to the effect of "Believe me, every president really
tries to do all the things they promise."
But the dirty campaign full of lies hate and fear, ruined McSame in my eyes. Anyone else notice how nobody swiftboated McSame very publicly? There was/is plenty of information on it about how "honorable" (or not) his service was that could have been used
if Obama was half as dirty, but he stayed quite respectable and never went there. Remember how they tried to call Kerry a traitor for opposing the war - watch a couple of those videos and check what they say here about McSame. "Songbird"? There's some pretty good eye-opening videos there.
You can rest assured that Obama knew quite well about this, but chose not to get dirty like that.
I think just more proof that good triumphs over hate.
The real reason for celebrating tho is - Crawford will
finally be getting it's idiot back, no matter which way this goes!!!