
who will win?

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 39 70.9%
  • John Mccain

    Votes: 16 29.1%

  • Total voters
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No matter who you supported, we have a new direction, a new philosophy and a new hope taking over on January 20, 2009.

One thing that I believe this will do for America, is that it has and will continue to rebuild our nations image across the globe, and that while many say "he will be tested" I don't think thats the case necessarily. I think this vote has shown the world that the American People are serious, no matter the image put forth over the last 4-6 years and even before that.

Sure there will be tests, but I believe those tests will be handled, and build strength and unity among Americans and the world.

Take away the presidency, and look at the change in the balance of power in both the Senate and the Congress... the people have spoken. It's time to drop animosity and go hand in hand into the future to rebuild this country and return it to the status of greatness it once enjoyed, and I am not talking about military might.
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Lori your honesty is a great gift. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Mark, you're right.

Something most of us are aware of, this wasn't just a win for the U.S. It is considered a win for much of the world. When was the last time we saw such a terrific outpouring of hope from so many corners of the world? He, for me, is a bridge builder... that can't be wrong.

He and his supporters and team have a huge job ahead of them. They know it and are ready for it.

The defining moment for me last night was watching tears of joy (mine included) coursing down the faces of multi culturalism... hands joined, embracing the unknown future. I'm grateful, like so many, to have lived to witness this event.

Ok... maybe I need a lesson on the red dot / green dot thing. When I click on it I read, "what do you think of XXXX post: and I am to check either I approve it or disapprove it. If I don't approve of his post (agree) why would I check approve (green dot)? Apparently a red dot is hugely offensive. I got some green dots and favorable comments and thought, "hmmm how did they do that". I assumed you probably get equal amounts of red dot / green dots on a subject that is split pretty much down the middle. No offense meant. I certainly had no clue that a little red dot is like a freaking scarlet letter - my bad!

If I wanted to offend any of you - I would have done so on the board and not with a secretive red dot. I think the posts were thoughful, intelligent and honest. It was a great thread with very passionate views and opinions!!! With that said... anyone directs a post to me again with condescending word like "DEAR" or "HON", and I will get offenisive! :headbang:
You can all chill out... I promise my dotting days are done! (green or red).

What do you think of xxxx post?

I approve
I disapprove
Your comments on this post:

(perhaps you should add a disclaimer of how offensive a little red dot is)
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Funny I thought terms like Dear and Hon are nice terms. I use them on the phone daily. It's nice it's affectionate and it's polite as well as endearing and that's the way I roll.

I call most of the suppliers that call us (female) Hon when I say thank you before hanging up, and I love when southern girls (usually Texans) call me Sweetie in a conversation.

After thinking about this for all of 2 minutes - no, I am not going to stop using those terms, because someone is hypersensitive. There is nothing intentionally or intrinsically demeaning or insulting or condescending about them, so that emotion comes from the other side and not me. If I choose to be any of those things, trust me I have way better words than Hon or Dear - I have a PHD in running my mouth.


opinions vary...

peace and blessings
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Yipes, I'm "guilty" of that too Jon. As a matter of fact most of the people I work with or am friends with do the same thing. Hon and Sweetie roll of the tongues of young and old alike at work.

Funny I thought terms like Dear and Hon are nice terms. I use them on the phone daily. It's nice it's affectionate and it's polite as well as endearing and that's the way I roll.

I call most of the suppliers that call us (female) Hon when I say thank you before hanging up, and I love when southern girls (usually Texans) call me Sweetie in a conversation.

After thinking about this for all of 2 minutes - no, I am not going to stop using those terms, because someone is hypersensitive. There is nothing intentionally or intrinsically demeaning or insulting or condescending about them, so that emotion comes from the other side and not me. If I choose to be any of those things, trust me I have way better words than Hon or Dear - I have a PHD in running my mouth.


opinions vary...

peace and blessings

Yeah I thought they were too Bloomz...
I was informed the other day that I was offending people by saying such things. Blew me away. So I guess I have to stop saying them at work.
Except my word I used all the time was sweetie.
let me tell ya, it's hard for me not to be me. I guess I suck.
Yeah I thought they were too Bloomz...
I was informed the other day that I was offending people by saying such things. Blew me away. So I guess I have to stop saying them at work.
Except my word I used all the time was sweetie.
let me tell ya, it's hard for me not to be me. I guess I suck.

In this politically correct world everything can be taken into offense....it is rediculous...hon, dear and sweetie are still acceptable in my book, I would much rather be called that than hey you....

I do not like things like, sweet cheeks or baby doll, things like that may just go a bit to far...

Heather is new and may have just taken the dots for the face value...Many people have in the past used them like this...

The red dots are usually used when someone is out of bounds in their language or really offensive or unprofessional in their way...it can be taken rather offensively when red dots are thrown out there for a mere disagreement of terms...they are usually for the worst offenders of social tact..
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my dad is a "hey babe" , "Hon", kind of guy too, he even would call some of the male wholesalers babe too ,back in the days, haha!

I just think its an old school 70's hippy thing :)

:) You're right.

just don't call me MA'AM

Here in the deep south, terms like "hon, sweetie, dear, sugar and the like" are just a part of our daily vocabulary. The gas station attendant might call you hon. Your waitress might call you dear. Your customer might call you sugar. There is no meaning to it except.....That is just being Southern.

I was informed too that use of such terms was "offensive" and that some people would be horrified, aghast, and shocked by the use of such terms by the owner of a shop I worked at......to which I say ........ " Baloney "
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Sometimes we take ourselves too seriously. So to all my honey's and sweeties, I wish you a great day.

you know what I really liked was when I worked in Oklahoma and people would say
"miss Shannon" I loved that.

and when someone asks a question or calls your name and you didn't hear or you're responding you say "Ma'am?" or "Sir?" I love that too. It just sounds so respectful to me. It's better than "What?" if you ask me.
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Funny I thought terms like Dear and Hon are nice terms. I use them on the phone daily. It's nice it's affectionate and it's polite as well as endearing and that's the way I roll.

I call most of the suppliers that call us (female) Hon when I say thank you before hanging up, and I love when southern girls (usually Texans) call me Sweetie in a conversation.

After thinking about this for all of 2 minutes - no, I am not going to stop using those terms, because someone is hypersensitive. There is nothing intentionally or intrinsically demeaning or insulting or condescending about them, so that emotion comes from the other side and not me. If I choose to be any of those things, trust me I have way better words than Hon or Dear - I have a PHD in running my mouth.


opinions vary...

peace and blessings

Geez, I wouldn't call myself hypersensitive. Most of my friends and colleagues would say I am as laid back as they come. Many of my FRIENDS use terms like hon, sweetie, dear, woman, biotch, etc... but they are my FRIENDS. Guess it just seemed out of place in a political discussion to call someone dear. Never heard a "dear" or "hon" in any debates, even toward Palin. H E L L, even Obama must feel it's inappropriate enough to apologize for a "sweetie"

In any event, I love that it sparks discussion and I will have to take a second look at my "tight A S S" self I suppose, and just "dear or "sweetie" right back! :tongue Naaahh - I'm more of a "dude" girl at heart!

Sorry Bloomz to offend. I guess no response to my PM means you just want me to shut the F up. And here I thought we were having fun!
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Yo Dude(tte)... ;)

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Funny how this thread went from . . .

fierce Political debate to all gushy, mushy. . . . .Hon.

This is a NEW day, and you know what, the sun came up this morning.
"The Sky" didn't fall Bloomz.

TRUTH now.. . . .

I was actually happy for all the Obama supporters last night. I mean, how could you not realize they had just witnessed probably the most historic political event in our history. (I too was disappointed by the boos when McCain was giving his speech.)

Every face I saw, was glowing with a (almost hypnotic) pride and a sense that "I had a part in this". Seriously, it was as if they had just seen the (and I don't mean this in an ugly way) messiah (small M). I still remember the joy I felt when I turned my life over to The Lord and got straightened out. That's the kind of joy I sensed them having.
Having typed that, I hope they realize that he (small H) is only human and has no devine powers.

He has a rough road ahead and I and millions of others will fight him every step of the way.

For a time, I was really upset because of the fact that the Black community was voting for President-Elect Obama ONLY because he is part black. I guess when you have been raised to believe that you have no chance in this world to become anything great, seeing a black man attain the highest office in the free world must give you tremendous hope (aside from the visions of handouts).
Even some black Christian friends were backing him. That bothered me.

Heck, (truth here) EVEN Boss leaning that way bothered me. (Somehow I didn't think the Eagle should be associated with the left) I'm okay with how anyone voted now. I may not agree, but it's okay.

I believe with all my heart that America will continue as the Greatest Nation on earth (yes Victoria, The Greatest). This event will not weaken us in the long run if we can keep focused on the future and realize that what we learn in the next four years will be what really defines our future.

If Pres-elect Obama is truly a Socialist ("remake the nation"?) as I suspect, it will come out. If he truly wants to unite the country, then he is destined to disappoint a lot of people. "The government can't solve every problem"??. .. . . It sure seemed that during the campaign, government was going to solve all the problems.

The political comments will continue. . . .Bloomz will continue to disappoint me politically (not that he cares). . . . I will continue to try to maintain a level headed point of view (with the occasional slip). . . .

OKAY. . .I have work to do. . . .Have a GREAT day . . . y'all!
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Most excellent post and answered a question I was wanting to ask - don't even the McSame supporters feel the sense of accomplishment and pride at an incredible moment in US history, just for idealistic reasons if nothing else?

The bitter taste of defeat can't be that bitter.

Change is always scary and many wish to stay the same no matter how miserable it was and if that wasn't true our divorce rates would be even higher than they currently are.

Anyhow thanks Glenn for answering the question I wanted to ask.

Wonder if anyone else will admit to that sorta warm feeling inside?
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