
who will win?

  • Barack Obama

    Votes: 39 70.9%
  • John Mccain

    Votes: 16 29.1%

  • Total voters
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Wonder if anyone else will admit to that sorta warm feeling inside?

I hope so, however, the vitrolic, vile and vinegar filled souls need not bother.

Glenn, excellent post. And I'll give you this... the U.S. is a pretty great place. ;)

Heck, (truth here) EVEN Boss leaning that way bothered me. (Somehow I didn't think the Eagle should be associated with the left) I'm okay with how anyone voted now. I may not agree, but it's okay.
Glen, remember...you still do not know how I voted, nor does anyone. Yes I took a stance of "change" in my political comments, and while I am a registered Republican, I am not afraid to say I have been embarrassed and disappointed by my own party more in the last 4 years than I think I have ever been since I started voting in 1974.

BamaE4U said:
If Pres-elect Obama is truly a Socialist ("remake the nation"?) as I suspect, it will come out. If he truly wants to unite the country, then he is destined to disappoint a lot of people. "The government can't solve every problem"??. .. . . It sure seemed that during the campaign, government was going to solve all the problems.
I agree... one thing... the Government can not solve the problems facing our nation. They go much deeper than any political party, deeper than any Wall Street brokers account, and even deeper than the collective governments of North America.

President-elect Obama has perhaps the single best opportunity to unite a nation that has ever come to any president since 1776. And if not then, perhaps Lincoln after the Civil War. But still, he and his party can not do it alone. It will take Republicans, and more importantly it will take, me, you and every other human walking the face of the Earth to make it work, and to make changes that will affect change that will carry this planet into the next 1000 years.

It will take the people of France to fix France, the people of Germany to fix Germany, the people of the USA to fix the USA and so on and so on across the globe. The have will have to humble themselves to take care of the have nots, and the have nots will have to take care of the have less's or nothing significant will happen.

We have seen in every debate, even those here in our community where people have commented on not wanting more taxes, not wanting to give up any of what they have...that's a normal human reaction. But I challenge everyone of you to examine your inner self, and if you can tell me that given the chance you would not end world hunger, or that you think the people that are out of work deserve what the got, then I'll shut up. Otherwise I plan to work on any project I can to make a difference in someone else's life, and I challenge you to do the same.

It's not about *me*... it's about **us**, as a race, the human race.

Obama has the opportunity to change the face of the planet for the better, and God willing I think he will, but he will have to have our help to do it.
I don't mind admitting that I am a little frightened by the fact that Mr. Obama is going to the White House.

However, this is not due to his qualifications.....his demeanor.....or any lack of confidence.

What frightens me is the simple fact that there exists in this country a disgusting, horrible, sickening thing called racism.......and the ensuing bedlam that could result in the coming months should any thing happen to Mr. Obama.

As much as I would hope and pray that people are forgiving, sensitive, and colorblind enough to not let such a thing happen......that is my greatest fear.
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Wow, im in shock that there aren't pages and pages of opinions regarding last nights election. Is there another thread I may have missed? Your allies to the North had no choice but to be glued to the tele as your election took over Canadian broadcasting. I do have to say I was a little disturbed at how much they talked about Obamas race. I personally think he won cause he was the man for the job. The media turned this into a 'race thing' and I think it's shameful propaganda. Anyone watch CNN, they are so advanced with their technology but was anyone else disturbed when they 'beamed' Will.i.am into their studio? I was lmao at home, couldnt believe my eyes, it was creepy yet so funny.
So now it's time for Quebec to cast their vote, an election was called this morning and the signs are already up. But in our country and especially this province things are done fast. Everytime there is an election in Quebec the anglos and the business owners are walking on egg shells and that because 2 out of 3 parties want to split our country in half. Election date is Dec.8th.2008, thats 33 days of campaining.
Wow, im in shock that there aren't pages and pages of opinions regarding last nights election. Is there another thread I may have missed? Your allies to the North had no choice but to be glued to the tele as your election took over Canadian broadcasting. I do have to say I was a little disturbed at how much they talked about Obamas race. I personally think he won cause he was the man for the job. The media turned this into a 'race thing' and I think it's shameful propaganda. Anyone watch CNN, they are so advanced with their technology but was anyone else disturbed when they 'beamed' Will.i.am into their studio? I was lmao at home, couldnt believe my eyes, it was creepy yet so funny.
So now it's time for Quebec to cast their vote, an election was called this morning and the signs are already up. But in our country and especially this province things are done fast. Everytime there is an election in Quebec the anglos and the business owners are walking on egg shells and that because 2 out of 3 parties want to split our country in half. Election date is Dec.8th.2008, thats 33 days of campaining.
I don't think they turned this into a race thing.. It was, last night, a race thing. And with good reason.

40 years ago, and still maybe now, black people had to drink from separate water fountains, use separate rest rooms, even separate hospitals and on and on...

Get this...

I had a boy friend years ago, a black man, who had a child with another woman. The baby was born in a major southern city in 1993. She went into premature labor. They went to the closest hosp and they were turned away. Can you imagine in 1993!

I worked for a very racist woman once. Funny thing is she didn't think she was racist at all. One day during Mother's day, her friend came to work with us during Mother's day. They were having a conversation about a particular state that the woman was from. She said and I quote " You know, I always thought it was great when they'd throw the n*gger babies to the alligators, they should start doing that again"
I couldn't believe my ears. I was only 19 and too afraid to say anything. It haunts me to this day that I didn't say anything.

So that is why it is such a big deal that a black man, even part black, has been elected.
I'm just glad it's over with even if I'm not too happy with the result. Life goes on and work goes on. I haven't depended on the government and don't intend to, and I'm hoping it won't get into my life like senator government did into Joe the Plumber.
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Gigi, I'll be watching. How are Charest's chances this time out?

Gigi, I'll be watching. How are Charest's chances this time out?


His chances are not good at all. I was listening to CJAD - talk radio today and the public is peeved that he called the election. I'm expecting a very low turnout at the polls. The anglos and the non-seperatist have no choice but to vote liberal. In my opinion Charest isn't doing a bad job but he could do better. I also will be watching very closely, its always scary when elections are called in Quebec.
I know, particularly when there is such voter apathy. We need an Obama here. ;)

I like Charest. I met him several years ago at the rally in Montreal (Alana and I took one of many many buses). He was very personable and certainly impressed that so many from across Canada came to voice their concern about the seperatists.

I know, particularly when there is such voter apathy. We need an Obama here. ;)

I like Charest. I met him several years ago at the rally in Montreal (Alana and I took one of many many buses). He was very personable and certainly impressed that so many from across Canada came to voice their concern about the seperatists.


We had our separatests here - Sarah and First Dude.

Thanksfully, they got their asses handed to them and are on their way back to Hicksville.

And I do hope she runs for Press next time so she can be handed her ass again.

Poor McSame, think he'll try again? This wasn't his first run at it, but forget Barack Obama - how would you feel if you got beaten last time by George Dumbo Bush?

We had our separatests here - Sarah and First Dude.

Thanksfully, they got their asses handed to them and are on their way back to Hicksville.

And I do hope she runs for Press next time so she can be handed her ass again.

Poor McSame, think he'll try again? This wasn't his first run at it, but forget Barack Obama - how would you feel if you got beaten last time by George Dumbo Bush?


you know something.... sometimes, you can be really annoying.


p.s. i still love you. ;)
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Geez - I thought that was brilliant -

McSame beaten by George W Bush.lollollol

I often wow myself with my brilliance. :spintongu Well sometimes anyway...
I often wow myself with my brilliance. :spintongu Well sometimes anyway...

ya wow me once in a blue moon as well.....
I'm "stunned" that ANYONE, would NOT want to vote, regardless, that you have the "right" to do so, or not.
For those of you, that "think" that, MY rendition IS, IF you DON'T vote, you HAVE no rights, PERIOD!!...you'd be FIRST in line, to scream, if that "privilege" was taken away from you, and I personally believe that IF you did not vote, you are a chicken, and should be treated as one.
A lot of people DIED to retain that "privilege".....many more are dying, as we speak to RETAIN it......when your flag is raised, and your anthem ensues, get OFF your fat ass, and PAY attention!!
ya wow me once in a blue moon as well.....
I'm "stunned" that ANYONE, would NOT want to vote, regardless, that you have the "right" to do so, or not.
For those of you, that "think" that, MY rendition IS, IF you DON'T vote, you HAVE no rights, PERIOD!!...you'd be FIRST in line, to scream, if that "privilege" was taken away from you, and I personally believe that IF you did not vote, you are a chicken, and should be treated as one.
A lot of people DIED to retain that "privilege".....many more are dying, as we speak to RETAIN it......when your flag is raised, and your anthem ensues, get OFF your fat ass, and PAY attention!!
easy killer
I'm "stunned" that ANYONE, would NOT want to vote, regardless, that you have the "right" to do so, or not.
For those of you, that "think" that, MY rendition IS, IF you DON'T vote, you HAVE no rights, PERIOD!!...you'd be FIRST in line, to scream, if that "privilege" was taken away from you, and I personally believe that IF you did not vote, you are a chicken, and should be treated as one.
A lot of people DIED to retain that "privilege".....many more are dying, as we speak to RETAIN it......

But it's a farce Mikey.

Methinks you take this a bit too seriously.

I am under no delusions that my vote matters, and highly symbolic gestures are not something that I lose sleep over.

Ours come in the mail so its very easy - if I had 3 hour lines, well, I can't say for sure I would bother. No I think the scale tips toward I wouldn't bother.

2000 was the first time I have voted since about 1969 or so, and it proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is a bigass charade.

So maybe it's different up there, but down here it's really nothing but a "feel good" exercise.
The chicken vote matters

Ok, I have just about had it with all a ya'lls prejudism against chickens. Barrracckkkkk Barrackkk Viva la Poulet!

ya wow me once in a blue moon as well.....
I'm "stunned" that ANYONE, would NOT want to vote, regardless, that you have the "right" to do so, or not.
For those of you, that "think" that, MY rendition IS, IF you DON'T vote, you HAVE no rights, PERIOD!!...you'd be FIRST in line, to scream, if that "privilege" was taken away from you, and I personally believe that IF you did not vote, you are a chicken, and should be treated as one.
A lot of people DIED to retain that "privilege".....many more are dying, as we speak to RETAIN it......when your flag is raised, and your anthem ensues, get OFF your fat ass, and PAY attention!!
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Ok, I have just about had it with all a ya'lls prejudism against chickens. Barrracckkkkk Barrackkk Viva la Poulet!

Chez, I have no idea how I missed this.
:yourock: As a chicken and :yourock: As a person, and :yourock: As a Florist.


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