Wonder if anyone else will admit to that sorta warm feeling inside?
I hope so, however, the vitrolic, vile and vinegar filled souls need not bother.
Glenn, excellent post. And I'll give you this... the U.S. is a pretty great place.
Wonder if anyone else will admit to that sorta warm feeling inside?
Glen, remember...you still do not know how I voted, nor does anyone. Yes I took a stance of "change" in my political comments, and while I am a registered Republican, I am not afraid to say I have been embarrassed and disappointed by my own party more in the last 4 years than I think I have ever been since I started voting in 1974.Heck, (truth here) EVEN Boss leaning that way bothered me. (Somehow I didn't think the Eagle should be associated with the left) I'm okay with how anyone voted now. I may not agree, but it's okay.
I agree... one thing... the Government can not solve the problems facing our nation. They go much deeper than any political party, deeper than any Wall Street brokers account, and even deeper than the collective governments of North America.BamaE4U said:If Pres-elect Obama is truly a Socialist ("remake the nation"?) as I suspect, it will come out. If he truly wants to unite the country, then he is destined to disappoint a lot of people. "The government can't solve every problem"??. .. . . It sure seemed that during the campaign, government was going to solve all the problems.
I don't think they turned this into a race thing.. It was, last night, a race thing. And with good reason.Wow, im in shock that there aren't pages and pages of opinions regarding last nights election. Is there another thread I may have missed? Your allies to the North had no choice but to be glued to the tele as your election took over Canadian broadcasting. I do have to say I was a little disturbed at how much they talked about Obamas race. I personally think he won cause he was the man for the job. The media turned this into a 'race thing' and I think it's shameful propaganda. Anyone watch CNN, they are so advanced with their technology but was anyone else disturbed when they 'beamed' Will.i.am into their studio? I was lmao at home, couldnt believe my eyes, it was creepy yet so funny.
So now it's time for Quebec to cast their vote, an election was called this morning and the signs are already up. But in our country and especially this province things are done fast. Everytime there is an election in Quebec the anglos and the business owners are walking on egg shells and that because 2 out of 3 parties want to split our country in half. Election date is Dec.8th.2008, thats 33 days of campaining.
Gigi, I'll be watching. How are Charest's chances this time out?
I know, particularly when there is such voter apathy. We need an Obama here.
I like Charest. I met him several years ago at the rally in Montreal (Alana and I took one of many many buses). He was very personable and certainly impressed that so many from across Canada came to voice their concern about the seperatists.
We had our separatests here - Sarah and First Dude.
Thanksfully, they got their asses handed to them and are on their way back to Hicksville.
And I do hope she runs for Press next time so she can be handed her ass again.
Poor McSame, think he'll try again? This wasn't his first run at it, but forget Barack Obama - how would you feel if you got beaten last time by George Dumbo Bush?
I often wow myself with my brilliance. :spintongu Well sometimes anyway...
Joe... that's his main goal in life, nothing personalyou know something.... sometimes, you can be really annoying.
get OFF your fat ass, and PAY attention!!
easy killerya wow me once in a blue moon as well.....
I'm "stunned" that ANYONE, would NOT want to vote, regardless, that you have the "right" to do so, or not.
For those of you, that "think" that, MY rendition IS, IF you DON'T vote, you HAVE no rights, PERIOD!!...you'd be FIRST in line, to scream, if that "privilege" was taken away from you, and I personally believe that IF you did not vote, you are a chicken, and should be treated as one.
A lot of people DIED to retain that "privilege".....many more are dying, as we speak to RETAIN it......when your flag is raised, and your anthem ensues, get OFF your fat ass, and PAY attention!!
I'm "stunned" that ANYONE, would NOT want to vote, regardless, that you have the "right" to do so, or not.
For those of you, that "think" that, MY rendition IS, IF you DON'T vote, you HAVE no rights, PERIOD!!...you'd be FIRST in line, to scream, if that "privilege" was taken away from you, and I personally believe that IF you did not vote, you are a chicken, and should be treated as one.
A lot of people DIED to retain that "privilege".....many more are dying, as we speak to RETAIN it......
ya wow me once in a blue moon as well.....
I'm "stunned" that ANYONE, would NOT want to vote, regardless, that you have the "right" to do so, or not.
For those of you, that "think" that, MY rendition IS, IF you DON'T vote, you HAVE no rights, PERIOD!!...you'd be FIRST in line, to scream, if that "privilege" was taken away from you, and I personally believe that IF you did not vote, you are a chicken, and should be treated as one.
A lot of people DIED to retain that "privilege".....many more are dying, as we speak to RETAIN it......when your flag is raised, and your anthem ensues, get OFF your fat ass, and PAY attention!!
Ok, I have just about had it with all a ya'lls prejudism against chickens. Barrracckkkkk Barrackkk Viva la Poulet!