Official FlowerChat Order Gatherer Registry

Hmmm... still digesting I only found this yesterday myself, but since I was mentioned below I'll add my two cents.

First, I am in NO WAY defending this practice, nor am I upset about it either.

I see this much differently than I do the Kremp saga, the InBloom site lists the physical address on the home and about us page, and does not claim delivery "TO" Midland MI or any other city that I could find, instead it suggests to send flowers from a florist in the respective city.

Yes there is a link to my shop, thanks JB, and I would bet (might be wrong, going out on a limb here) that JB would link any of you as well if he knew your URL and which shop.

Personally I like this much better than Art's gig!! And as was mentioned it is free.

I have found my store listed on so many bogus directories that are only used to generate Adwords/Adsense click I could puke, this I see as better.

There is a growing theory in the online florist community, that if we all do something like this, link each of us directly to each shop and city that we could beat the true Pure-Play OG's off the first pages of search results...I don;t know if this is true, but what the hell, nothing else has worked to date.

You do not have to agree with me, you don;t even have to like whats being done, but at least it's florists listed.

Oh and Jerry....what other board? ;)
I don't know why anyone here is still surprised by this. I am still scratching my head wondering what the big deal is. Everyone who belongs to a wire service should be doing one of these...why not? This is OOA flower ordering circa 2006. Doesn't everyone know that soon they will be 100,000 of these type of things?

Once again, pointing a finger at a symptom, not a cause. Baffling...
This is worth pursuing ...

There is a growing theory in the online florist community, that if we all do something like this, link each of us directly to each shop and city that we could beat the true Pure-Play OG's off the first pages of search results...I don;t know if this is true, but what the hell, nothing else has worked to date.

If 1,000 real florists had a page on their site to trusted REAL florists - or some such - and listed the city, phone number, key words, blogs and web link et cetera, that would would be SEO hog heaven. And yes, it might nuke some of the DOGs off the first page of SERPs except for those paying per click. But hey, their click price would likely go up and conversions go down. Think about it.

But then what do you do with the likes of Art, Kremps, Bloomz etc? I guess just not have them on a trusted real florist page.

Perhaps this should be placed in a separate post as opposed to under this thread.
Who does this help???

If you already have a multitude of florists directories on the internet and the consumer is already confused, then how does adding more do anything for florists or the consumer. If you already have locateaflowershop <example> that lists only florists and not GROCERY STORES and has florists websites linked to that directory and this directory is listed 3 - 5 in most city by city searches, how can adding another directory help any of us other than the ones that created the directory. I'm sure most have already figured out that although your flower shop might be listed in this "inbloom directory", it also says that the consumer can order flowers while on line. Now who do you think gets the benefit from that???
And I believe you. What an idea. If I was in the gathering business, hell even if I was in the WS, I'd be your first customer. Now this is getting good.

There should not be one florist on this board that SHOULD not take you up on that.

12buck, you the man
in fact I will take it a step further...


I will create a national directory site for *your* shop for $49.95! Call 321-779-8310 for more detail. Hosting not provided, but will assist in domain setup.

This is not a gag, but a real offer.
Are you including the shop data in that offer, or is this only to be the framework for a directory?

Are you including the shop data in that offer, or is this only to be the framework for a directory?

Yes shop data imported from public records. I am working on the mock-up today, but as we know its Friday and it all about the wedding today. This is my highest priority item right now and will have the "template" posted on my web site by tonight (it's going to be an all-nighter)

Just trying to fight fire with fire, for the benefit of this fantastic group here at FC..we may not always agree (thank god!), but we should be a force to be reckoned with.

I'll do my best...IMO, that's all we can hope to achieve on a daily basis.
And I believe you. What an idea. If I was in the gathering business, hell even if I was in the WS, I'd be your first customer. Now this is getting good.
Why would you have to be an OG or even in a WS to display a directory? It could be a very useful tool for any florist that believes local shops are the best choice (if the data is current and helpful).
Cathy you are probably right, I'm sure it would help with the search engines.

I'm not looking to RE-direct orders to a site as Bloomzie is, to garnish the 20%-rebates. I'm not in that game, just a little ol 100%er. But if I was I would be calling 12 bucks right now.

This could get very interesting, and should be done.
Cathy you are probably right, I'm sure it would help with the search engines.

I'm not looking to RE-direct orders to a site as Bloomzie is, to garnish the 20%-rebates. I'm not in that game, just a little ol 100%er. But if I was I would be calling 12 bucks right now.

This could get very interesting, and should be done.

Hey there Jerry...please explain to me how Bloomzie gets 20% by directing the consumer to me when my site is listed on the towns I deliver to. I am there an element to what he is doing that I am missing. Thanks toots for clarifying....
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Bloomz's directory is not for the benefit of you. It's for the benefit of All the florist names along with the cities and towns makes for key word phrases search engines like. The hope is if, for example, someone searches for "fort lauderdale flowershops" his directory will rank well. If the directory ranks well with many search phrases a certain percentage of shoppers will click on his "order flowers now" link at the top of each page ordering from inbloom. He then can wire the order back to the florist in the proper location. That is his trade-off for his so called free directory.

A danger I worry about with directories ranking well with search engines is the possibility that my own company name will pull up their directory site ahead of my own website. I have already seen this with Find-a-Florist where a search phrase of a particular florist in a particular town pulls up not the florist but the Teleflora directory.

The question you may want to ask yourself about these directories is if Flowers-Sent-Today or Gift-Tree put out a directory with their banner at the top of the page would you want to be listed knowing they where using your name and address to divert a percentage of shoppers to their own ordergathering sites? Or how would you feel if had a "Order Flowers Now" link at the top of every Find-A-Florist page?

As for me, I generally don't believe in participating in pay directories or directories with hidden agendas. I find it much more valuable to do a good job and have the public specifically search you out.
Sher, really, there is no need for any more discussion on Bloomzies site. You know, I know, we all know. Appologeze(sp) to Bloomzie, did not mean to single him out, lets just talk "directories".

It was put forth by 12 buck, that he would do a directory for anyone that wants one. Everyone in the 20%-rebate game is always saying they need to compete with the big boys, well I see this as an opportunity of a life time.

I'm all for everyone that is in the game, to keep going. The more discounting that goes on in my area, the better for me. I make money at what I do, and hope the same for everyone.
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Everytime I think an idea is grand, you guys make me feel like "opps". You are reality checks I guess, but I really believe that if there is a directory out there that offers only real flower shops a listing, then the general public would come to us. I am all for anything that takes away business from non-flower shops, ws and the like. After having been hammered in my town with Kremps doorway pages, I resurrected mine to take a look at them again. ...I mean, what else is there to do but compete with his own backyard.I mean, I am willing to award myself the Southern Award for Excellance...or the "she's a legend in her own mind" award..and then put up 200,00 doorway pages. ...after all it would have an impact...sorry my sarcastic self took over.But seriously, what is the answer...I do not think the average small town, or even mid size town has a chance in hell of surviving unless they do something besides "beautiful flowers", etc etc...if JB gets orders, then he better plan on working hard for them...after all if he send them to me I will market the recip and the sender...but on his directory..well I am listed in every town I serve and will pay 10 bucks per town to do that..then I think the return might be worth it. I am listed in Art's directory in my towns and I do feel his impact....I get orders...more than enough in my towns to make it worth the money. Am I wrong...I also get business out of 50 bucks a year, I'd say it is worth it also. If realflorists made a directory I'd probably join it I wrong. Is my thinking wrong? So far, we have talked for three years and we are still talking as the market share gets smaller and smaller...maybe a shake up is necessary.....maybe my opinion will change....RC, you know I have a deep respect for your business acumen...we do not always see eye to eye but your success speaks for itself so I do listen but I am looking for action this time....Jerry, you did confuse me and I am still confused..I was asking a legit question..if I understood what you were saying I would not have asked...I think I am getting a better feel for what you are telling me but wanted it clarified....
Thanks Guys,
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Did not mean to avoid your question. I felt it would be self explanitory.

Lets say 2 customers went to the site, wanted to go to Sunrise, Fl. You are the first one there, your name is underlined for your link. If 1 customer uses their mouse to see that the underlined(yours) is a link to you than good for you, 100% sale.

If the other customer, did not find your link, but wanted to order flowers online. Than good for Bloomz(inbloom link), and I would think he would use you to fill that order, at a discount. Doesn't sound that bad for 2 orders, how about after 1yr, 2yrs, 3yrs. etc.......... Now your 100% sales get deluted by discounted orders. And I feel that has been the straw that broke the florists back, in todays world. "Less 100% sales in an area, more discounted orders = less cash flow".

And what RC said.

Sher, let me ask you a question. If 12 buck can put this directory together, would you do it? Why or why not. TIA
Lol Jerry...if you think I am confused over these posts, can you imagine what I am trying to decipher about 12 bucks posts????? I tried to call him today but he is out of the office but what do you see is so different about his directory proposal and JB's????...
I think I may become a doorway page queen....
Sher, there is nothing different. If 1000-5000 florists took him up on this, could you imagine what the first page of the search engines would look like. Almost all locals, links to real florists all over the country. The big boys would probably have to get into another PPC campaign fight, just to try and stay on page one.

And you and the 1000-5000 florists and JB(although I don't think he would like this) would smack the non-florist ordergatherers butts. And possibly get some orders and get that 20%-rebate, with your link on top instead of JB's, or Art's, or Mary Lou's.

In other words you would flood the market(internet), as a unit instead of being divided. Maybe I'm way off base here, but I do not feel that florists, divided, can fight this monster. Than together "you" could be the doorway page queen.

Heck even I'm getting excited, wahoooooo.
They already have it ...


how would you feel if had a "Order Flowers Now" link at the top of every Find-A-Florist page?

The do for all practical purposes. When you click a store-front for those who do not have a TF hosted web site, that order goes as if someone ordered from And TF strips off the 27 %.