Being a board member, I must say that many florists have no idea what it takes to pull of a program, the money, the time the planning...Our board of 5-6 volunteers many one person shops, work on every aspect of planning the programs...we apporoach the eholesaler, organize the procurement of good for the designer making sure they have waht they want, print signs, order eals, organize who is coming who is prepaid who is not, make sure contracts are correct, negotiate contracts, help the designer, set up the program, break down the programs, drive sometimes 2 hours away 2-3 days in a row before the program to get the designer to and from the work area and hotel. Organize meals for the designer. Then we schlep all the designs around the program...We have been trying to get more volunteers because the same 5-6 people doing all the work plus personal life and shop gets to be alot....but working with the designers is so worth it...you can learn so much more this way, not to mention it really gives you a sense of what it takes to do any kind of production...
I sometimes want to take a leave of absence from the board just to sit and watch the program from the audience, but if I quit and the others quit, then there will be no programs...so I sacrifice for the few who care deeply about education...I have found that many florists and this is not all just a great many, those that do not do demand without ever realizing the depth of what others have done to bring the offer to them....so many florists are lazy and want everything handed to them and never think about what goes into anything behind the scenes and who makes all of these thing even possible...Being a volunteer is a thankless job by our peers, partly because many do not know what we put into it in the first place...that would be our own fault for not letting them know...I think I will make a point to change all that...I will be president soon so I will have the power to change and set precedents.
New blood is railroaded into an association and once the new blood gets there the 3 key people of an "association" (give me a break) wants nothing to do with hearing new ideas or letting anyone that doesn't worship the ground they walk on give any input at all. They want all the control and really treat their "inferior" board members as "subjects" rather than intellegent, talented designers who have tons to contribute.....
Just another reason why I'm over the biz.
KUDOS to any board member who truly wants to bring newbies into any association and listens to it's members (board members and association members) rather than bark orders at them or treat them as if they don't matter.
I have seen really good Floral associations such as OFA, CRFA and FAR, and from what I've seen and heard about Michigans association- it's a good one too...... and I've also seen really tyrannical ones that shall remain nameless.