Tom Carlson said:
Why aren't all you WS members livid, outraged, angry, mad, upset with the WS for allowing the enormous number of OG websites?
Oh, that's easy as far as I'm concerned. It is because I have considered (and continue to consider) the pluses and minuses of staying "married" to a WS(s) and, wrongly or rightly, have so far concluded that the pluses outweigh the minuses.
Now, here comes the interesting part...
To be angry at a WS with whom I have decided to stay married, I would have to
contradict myself: contradiction between rational reasoning (plus outweighs minus) and emotions (angry, dislike). You know that no man can tolerate that (I'm a guy). Usually humans, especially males, are afraid of being seen self-contradictory (most vigorous, persistent debaters here are, I suspect, males; females on the other hand seem to be able to handle a contradiction between practicality and emotions better).
OK, if you are a woman, try questioning the wisdom of the last purchase your husband/boyfriend have made, and you will know what I'm talking about. Even if he actually didn't like what he bought, he wont' say it so. Humans (particularly males) prefer rational consistency to emotional contradictions; where no such consistency actually exists, we even manufacture it to relieve ourselves from distress.
Yes, I do want to believe that, by staying with WS, I've made a right decision. To be honest, I don't want to even think about a possibility (yes, it's possible) that I've made a wrong decision. It's not good for my ego. Being a small-business owner, I don't have anyone who massages my ego, so I have to do it by myself, for example by writing here. Thus, I "cannot" afford to be angry, as long as I'm a member of WS and a human male. That's the burden that Y-chromosome carriers must shoulder.
The other side of the same coin is this, though. If I ever left a WS, I can picture myself arguing vigorously how right I was by leaving a WS. No question about it.