many "florists" generically even understand the dilemmas they are facing, and the "consequences" of NOT taking action to undistort the truth??
Mark, such a letter would NEED to be reinserted in most ALL major newspapers, MANY times over, to gain "interest" from the is a long and arduous, and very complicated petition, that "hardly anyone" cares about!
ONLY a "strike" of resounding proportions, of EVERY MAJOR filling marketplace would have the kind of impact that Cathy, with ALL her wisdoms, is so passionately trying to convey, OR a Class Action preliminary "discovery", that "tenders" accurate findings, that is deemed "fit" to move to the justice level, with ALL deceptive players served attendance notices, MAY raise some eyebrows at the "Dog Houses"......
MY answer to Cathy is YES, I WILL,WOULD,MUST sign such a petition, AND would certainly be MORE inclined, to become "responsible" for drafting or distributing a strike call in my area....just the "idea" being distributed, WILL catch the dirty players' attention.