Well-Known Member
don't have access to those flowers most of the time (I know, hanging head) will have to watch FB buy the bunch next time I order....
I hear ya! I had to pay 37c for frigin carns! Ouch! Just for the contest! LOLdon't have access to those flowers most of the time (I know, hanging head) will have to watch FB buy the bunch next time I order....
:boomsmili, :smash , :spankmecu , :loopy , :tongue: , :wide: , lol, :ar15:buttkick
Will the above work for you Paula?
How is it going for everyone so far? Are you creating your designs this week or waiting until closer to the deadline next week?
I have mine done, video and all, but I will not post it yet, will wait for more people to finish.
Again deadline is March 11th ( Thursday).
Good luck, & if you need help with videos, let me know.
I will be making my design today and shooting the video....Then I may be calling you for some major help with splicing, dicing and reconstructing, or maybe it will be so easy I will be able to do it myself..I have been racking my brain for song selection, but I think I need the design to be done for it to tell me what song goes....
I have the perfect song for you Lori!!!!
Just finnished my interview..They asked questions about how I learned about this contest..what my design would look like, if it was going to be anything like my floral art or more traditional. They will be sending down a photographer on Monday...
I did get a plug in for flowerchat, so get your galleries up to snuff, just incase...
I did ask that all of the competitors get a link on wicked local, he didn't promise but Adam's blog with all of our links for sure will get linked...
I hope that the article is good and I hope we get some good attention from it...I do hope it drives people to care about design and that it drives interested people to look at all of our wonderful designs...
I guess this particular reporter has been following my facebook since I started posting pictures of those specialty funeral pieces like the bobcat and aerosmith logo...so it does pay to get into social media, it is the equal of screaming from the rooftops what you can do for people and how your talents are there for them to enjoy...without losing your voice.
Great job Lori! Seems like facebook isn't such a waste of time after allYou never know who is out there watching us!
Look forward to the article!