Battle of the Flower Designers- March Madness Tournament 2010

Round 2 recipe-
Cathy, that looks good to me, but not sure about the 3 flower types (designers choice), maybe we should make that more clear so no one uses too many extra flowers in the design, even though you say roses need to be 60% of the floral visuals. Maybe we should all use the same 3 flower types, and limit the amount of stems you can use? Just a suggestion but I'm fine with your way too :)

or how about a set # of stems for each of the 3 flower types of our choice? I like the greater flexibility of each of us choosing our own 3 foliage & flower types
So glad you found Ricky! Starting to get scared, and missed those mouse ears showing up everywhere.

Is the poll the deciding factor? I was under the impression that Ricky and Carol were going to be deciding on who would continue on.

For my part, IF I continue on, I will take that challenge. (But when will we know, webinar ya know!)

So glad you found Ricky! Starting to get scared, and missed those mouse ears showing up everywhere.

Is the poll the deciding factor? I was under the impression that Ricky and Carol were going to be deciding on who would continue on.

For my part, IF I continue on, I will take that challenge. (But when will we know, webinar ya know!)


The poll is only worth 33% of decision, it is not the deciding factor, only a % of it.

if you win the poll, but the 2 judges pick the other florists design, you would lose the contest.

However, if the judges are a split decision, well then whomever wins the poll would win.

So it is basically 33% poll(public), 33% Ricky(judge), and 33% Carol Bice(judge)
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If anyone else would like to chime in with a recipe idea, or a tweak to Cathy's recipe, feel free to post it.

After thinking about it Cathy's recipe, it makes sense, it will be easier for everyone to get 24 roses of their choice, and then be able to pick 3 other flowers of any type, won't be hard for anybody. I know a few people had trouble getting a certain flower on time for round 1, so the round 2 recipe is easier to work with.


The POLLS will stop at 3pm eastern time on Sat.
There is no cutoff time option on the poll page, so I will be posting the 3pm results manually to FC and blog. Any votes made on polls after 3pm eastern time, this Sat., won't count.

The judges will have their decisions to me by Sunday ( no video by judges), we will just post the comments, and their choices.

I will post the winners Sunday Night to FC, blog, etc.

Feel free to ask any questions on this thread or PM me. I will adjust the dates on my original blog shortly with the new times for round 2 & 3.
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Good job on the florist's review press...

We have all done so well at getting the word out and blogging and facebooking...we are all winners in that aspect, for sure...I just wish that last week's feelings could stay with me forever, but alas life does rear its ugly head...I am thinking once again that I am going to have to sell the shop or close...I just cannot catch up from last year and now it is affecting my home husband and I had a huge fight this morning and he says he is moving out...I am hoping it was just a heat of the moment thing, but our finances and the shop have taken its toll on us both and I am not sure...Thanks for the great contest, it was fun and a much needed personal boost...but as always in these sorts of things with me, the high is never as far as the crash afterwards...
Im so sorry Lori, most importantly, I hope you can work it out with your husband , and also hope you can save your shop too!

For what its worth, most of us are hurting, I am having trouble paying biz bills too, and I sometimes think about the flower shop way too much and take it home with me, and that can be annoying to my wife at times too! Hang in there!
I am trying, but how much can you try and not get anywhere, before you go crazy...or worse yet ruin everything that is good in your life...It is a tough call...This month has been awful as far as business goes...personal life has been great, up until today...I just sometimes feel like whenever I rewrad myself with doing things that make me happy someone needs to remind me that things that make me happy and fulfill my soul, take away from things that I have to do or need to do and I am so tired of it...but thanks for the vote of confidence...

The way I feel right now, I would like to lock the door, walk away and pay my 20,000 dollar loan off with a job...would that be a very bad thing...

We DO all feel your pain, I was in your shoes a year ago. We faced issues, (and debt far greater than that), and it was really tough for my husband to still support keeping the shop. It was a financial and emotional drain, and we spent some time angry at each other and at ourselves.

You have MUCH to be proud of about yourself and your achievements, so don't let go of that when things get like this, which they do in life.

Don't do anything rash, you may feel differently in a few days and you don't want to make decisions for your business based on emotion, it is never a good mix. (Sort of silly when we are in an industry that oozes with emotion, but there it is.)

I hope that your hubby was just letting off steam, when the spouse does not work in this industry, it is very difficult for them to understand all of the different things that we have to deal with, it's almost impossible to even list them let alone get an outsider to "get" it.

That's why we come here!

Love you bunches here in Minnesota!

I do understand what you're going through - this business does wreak havoc on your relationship; and to top it off we put ourselves through a
huge guilt trip because we are doing what we love and that's hard to justify if it's making our loved ones unhappy.
Closing or selling is not a decision that you should make in the heat of the moment ( I don't mean to preach or tell you what to do ), I know
you're upset but give yourself time to calm down and have a serious talk with your sweetie and you'll come to a decision together.
Here's a huge hug -best I can offer at the moment.
Thanks, this has been an ongoing argument for the last 6 months...

As you all know, it is so difficult to pay bills when money trickles in and then n I need to take some from the house with intentions of paying it back and that doesn't happen all to fast, it messes up the house bills and so on and so forth...amazing I held it together for the last year as things were...but now it is just getting rediculous...the not being able to catch up bit is getting old..especially when my local numbers say I am doing so much better than a year ago...

I am sorry but I must say that 2 years ago when I was making less local money and had more volume from wire services, I could pay my bills...I am not sure that my current money issue is from hanging onto the non-volume ws bills for too long added to the late charges I have been paying on the catch up process, but it is super stressful...I just talked to the hubby and he is still convinced he is moving no headway there...I am so distraught right now that I cannot even function...this bites bad...
The paper came out yesterday afternoon, and my story is on the back page of the first section. with a nice picture too! they did get a fact or 2 wrong, but overall a nice story about a local business, AND.. I'm in the paper! for FREE- covering an area that would probably cost me at least $150.00++

Here's the link for the online version (no picture..oh well)

thanks everyone for making this possible! I know it's lots of work and a general pia. But like I said in the paper - a great way to make more people aware of what we local flower shops can do!
NOW THAT I AM BACK - Repaired, ready, and raring to go.............Where do I go to see these floral creations in their video entirety
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NOW THAT I AM BACK - Repaired, ready, and raring to go.............Where do I go to see these floral creations in their video entirety

Wooohooooo! he's back! Go Ricky! LOL

This thread is filled with links- you can choose which page you want to view videos from.....

here you go-

or erics blog has them lined up too-

or the poll pages ( 4 links)

feel free to call me or PM me with any questions. I will need your results by Sat night. Send me a PM when you are ready to send results :)