Announcement Change Is Here!

Ryan, not to be a PITA, but I was curious to see what the new registrants see when they arrive...

and logging out and trying to register, it does let me know in fine print that I would be on a trial membership and that a subscription fee is required after that but it does not tell you how long the trial memebrship is or how much the membership costs anywhere that I can find...I even had to really look for this info....not sure how that will float with people...
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I used to belong to one on SEO as well. I think it cost about $350 a year but I dropped it because I was finding more information here on FlowerChat. I personally find FlowerChat to be the best and most useful of all the forums I mentioned.

And this is the quote of the day!
I pay to belong to a few different work-related forums. Two of them are related to software development and cost $99 and $499 a year respectively. Another two deal with running a software business - one I belong to at the "Silver" $250 a year level (the gold level costs $950 a year) and the other is $399 a year. I used to belong to one on SEO as well. I think it cost about $350 a year but I dropped it because I was finding more information here on FlowerChat. I personally find FlowerChat to be the best and most useful of all the forums I mentioned.

Good to know. So for people like you who is accustomed to pay hundreds a year to belong to a forum, $100 a year is not a big deal, I see. It is also fair to say, however, that for people who are not accustomed to pay $$$ to belong to a forum, this $100 a year comes as a shock, do you agree?

Another point: for these paid sites you mentioned above, has any of them started up as a free "Chat" site? If so, how did they handle the transition from a free site to a paid subscription model? Or were they all built as paid-subscription sites from the beginning?

This is a relevant issue, because as many have pointed out, if Ryan was creating a brand new site based on paid subscription model, we wouldn't be having this debate now. The sticking point, which I hope you and others now begin to see, is that this Flower Chat has been a free site for 7 years, 4 of which I myself have been a member.

And the fact that he is NOT building a brand new site, but keeping the same FlowerChat, does show that values of FC accumulated over the years are important for this new venture. Here, some of us are simply pointing out these values are those donated by volunteers; therefore, we feel, which you don't have to agree, that those values should not be part of commercial entity.

If the owner however decides to take the brand name and morph it into something different, who am I to say he shouldn't? Of course he can. I'm just disappointed. I'm not the only one. Do I have right to be disappointed, or do you think I'm somehow misguided?
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Do I have right to be disappointed, or do you think I'm somehow misguided?
I told myself I was not going to post in this thread again, as it's another example of whats been happening here for years. Debate, debate, debate without any quantifiable results. But... you know me...

Yes, I thnik you or anyone has a right to feel however you feel about this change. That's fair.

Are you misguided? I don't think so, not in the least.

I do know, that we have for years debated everything from boutonniere pins to vehicles, to design, to SEO and everything in between with very little forward movement on anything that will actually make a difference in the industry as a whole. Without this change, FlowerChat would continue to go on for perhaps decades with the debate raging. It's time to become a force to be reckoned with in the industry. Stay or go, I really do care. But I will not attempt to defend a decision that was made with not only the best interests of FlowerChat in mind, but those of every florist in the world too.

I honestly am sad thinking that we will lose valuable members, but I counter that with the knowledge that we will survive, we will grow and we will someday make big waves in the little flower pond. I'm confident too that each of you will at some point return, pony up the hundred bucks and be thankful that we are here looking out for your best interests in the long run.
Good to know. So for people like you who is accustomed to pay hundreds a year to belong to a forum, $100 a year is not a big deal, I see. It is also fair to say, however, that for people who are not accustomed to pay $$$ to belong to a forum, this $100 a year comes as a shock, do you agree?

Yes - I agree. Some people (like me) will be accustomed to paying for this kind of service. For those people $100 - while hardly insignificant - does seem reasonable. For people who aren't used to paying then sticker shock is a perfectly natural reaction.

Another point: for these paid sites you mentioned above, has any of them started up as a free "Chat" site? If so, how did they handle the transition from a free site to a paid subscription model? Or were they all built as paid-subscription sites from the beginning?

Three of the forums I mentioned were a paid service from the time I joined. Two converted during my time with them. Both times I was disappointed that I would be out the money but - ultimately - it was the right decision to make.

An alternative take on all this is that there should probably always have been a charge. Instead of being upset we now have to start paying we could be grateful for the time we were allowed to participate for free.

I'm just disappointed. I'm not the only one. Do I have right to be disappointed, or do you think I'm somehow misguided?

I definitely don't think you are misguided. And of course you have the right to any feeling. Disappointment seems like a natural reaction - who wants to give up $100? But I think - and hope - that after a little time passes the $100 will seem like a good investment. I would really miss your posts.
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Sorry folks but this thread is going down hill fast into a debate.

It's really just a subscribe or don't question...but I sure hope you DO cause if ya' didn't you'd be missed!!
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A suggestion for those retired business people in our community. They would be a valuable resource as mentors in the community. Perhaps their rate of membership could be reduced to reflect their "senior" positions here.

An alternative take on all this is that there should probably always have been a charge. Instead of being upset we now have to start paying we could be grateful for the time we were allowed to participate for free.

If you are referring to me in the sentence above, I must say you are mistaken. In fact, I've donated ~$200 to this forum (I don't remember exactly how much because it wasn't a big deal; one time I sent a check of $120 to Canada, 2-3 times I clicked on 'donate' button).

I definitely don't think you are misguided. And of course you have the right to any feeling. Disappointment seems like a natural reaction - who wants to give up $100?

That's not the reason why I and others are disappointed. See above, I've been paying $$$ already. I'm afraid you aren't getting it after all. :)

"Disappointed" because the expertise and ideas each member has "donated" to FC in the last 7 years (in my case 4 years), has now turned into a marketable package which is now being sold as a commercial property. It never was intended as a source for commercial enterprise.

Let me put this way, so that it might click with you, OK?

Imagine that you've been writing articles to Wikipedia for 4 years, thinking that you are doing it for the good of society. Now today, the owner of Wikipedia sold the site for $$$ and start charging you to access to their immense knowledge database. Would you be disappointed? You see my point? It really has nothing to do with $ you know.
Wow. Blurry eyeballs. I'm sitting here a little stunned that $100 has caused a bunch of people to get their panties in such a wad. Maybe I look at money a little differently, but I don't think $100 is squat in the big picture. But that's just me. I will likely be staying. Unless I get so busy with the shop, that I have no time to log on. The one thing that I would like to see on the *new and improved* forum is a collective willingness to share with people when they ask for help....NOT snap at them and tell them to check the archives. The archives can be a very deep, dark and scary place, that is difficult to weed through. It's like that on just about any forum...and I get it...but I don't think that people need to be snippy about it. If I am going to pay for membership, I want to be able to ask a question (even if it's been asked a time or two before) without being afraid of the consequences. But again, that's just me.
Fact is anything that stays the same will die!!! Law of deminision returns. You will find over the last two years I have expressed frustration over all our belly aching and the fact we have yet to do anything. They made a decision to go in a new direction so we got some movement so you can move forward or you can stand there paralized by fear of the unknown . Thats your choice but I do know this a moving target is a lot harder to hit and thats why I am in . By our selves we can inflict no change but together we got a chance to make a defference.
Well, If I have not made it clear, then let me state it this way. I am not a shop or business owner. I am a trained, certified floral designer. I currently am employed at a home decor superstore working exclusively with permanent botanicals in their floral department. In comparison with other floral organizations........Yes, FlowerChat is a floral organization.......100.00 for a years access is reasonable when compared against dues and expenses associated with other floral organizations. ( Some of the organizations are non-profit and some are......I am drawing no distinction to that fact )

AIFD yearly dues - 275.00 year
Yearly dues for the South Carolina Florist Association.....less than 100.00 ( exact figure unknown )
midlands of SC Florist Association - meet 6 times a year with 25.00 member dues IIRC and 20.00 per atttending person due each meeting ( 5 people in one shop attending equals 20.00 per person - 100.00)
Southern Retail Florist Association - annual member dues are under 50.00 (exact figure unknown)

In comparison - FlowerChat will be more expensive than some and less expensive than others - Simple fact of the matter is...........ALL OF THEM IN MY SINGULAR, ONE PERSONS, ME, MYSELF, AND MINE OWN OPINION is that all of them give me more than the money's worth in value to my career as a professional floral designer.

So, when the time comes....Ryan says I will be notified via re-new my FC subscription......I will be doing so.
Mistaking Kindness for Weakness

Sometimes in life, there are people that seem like they are helpful. That seem like they have your best interests at heart. I’ve always been a person that has been genuine, whatever my actions/words, it’s not fake. It is truly sincerely meant from heart, mind.

With the disrespect being shown to Ryan, on this thread, I felt bad. I thought no matter how he was with me, no one deserves to be disrespected or thought of in suspicious ways. Even though he didn’t ever fix the problem that I had most of last year, didn’t really respond to it much….didn’t seem to faze him one way or the other. Part of me had an inkling that something sly was going on but the side of me that always wants to believe the good in people always wins over. So I said nothing and didn’t pursue it any further.

Well, in life gifts come your way. This gift proved the suspicion that I felt. I would love for everyone to know that EVERYTHING on this list is what I experienced.

I strongly believe now that Ryan used this on me. This MISERABLE USERS HACK can only be implemented by Admins who have access to the vbulletin coding. So I no longer will be giving my support to him nor will I continue with FC. Disregard my posts in defense of him. I came to FC with a desire and passion for Flowers….I leave with a bitter taste.
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Normally, I would be pretty involved with a thread like this, but to be honest I didn’t have a strong desire to participate. I have had a couple people here ask me what my intentions were. Would I stay or would I go. Before answering this question I want to say a few things.

There was once a time, when I was very excited about Flower Chat and would encourage others to join. However, things happened over the years and I lost that enthusiasm. A part of the enthusiasm that I didn’t lose was my desire to help others. I don’t care what part of the floral area it is, but if someone would ask a question, I would gladly help answer their question, if I felt qualified to answer. I learned along time ago to be a benefit to others. I still remember my dad telling me this back in the early 1970’s while he was handing me over some plants to set on the greenhouse benches. He said, “My mother always told me to be of service to others, when ever possible help.” I try to live my life that way. Sometimes I fail.

I value my contributions here and I feel pretty good about those comments.

This place is the reason I now know many of you. Additionally, as I have given to this forum, I have also learned. I think it was a good give and take over the past 5 years.

I do have some concerns about this forum going paid private. My main concern is that I have a lot of material, as do others, both professional and personal information here on the Flower Chat forum. I would hope that there will be a way for current members who choose not pay the new fee to maintain access to the old threads. I agree with the Admins here that you can not simply delete posts from the threads. For the forum to remain valuable, the continuity of the threads must remain. Ryan, you have a valuable library at your disposal. Use it well and wisely.

I do ask that you allow former members access to the archived threads. I think that is reasonable, fair and in keeping with the Christian spirit.

Being able to access my FC information from time to time would be very helpful to me. I do refer back to my business threads here when writing articles for other publications or when trying to help someone in the floral business. So, I feel pretty strong about that point. It can be done.

Forums are only as valuable as the people who participate in them. A forum needs people to write their thoughts down and then hit the submit button. This place has flourished in the 5 years I have been here because of the members. It’s the members ideas and contributions that makes this forum valuable.

This place often gets criticized for all the redundant threads and the mantra of some “all talk … no action, but that will change soon when we band together.” I disagree. We did do a lot of talking and within those threads we all learned something new, or at least I hope we did. I know I did. Over the years, I have refined my positions on certain aspects of this industry. That never would have happened had this forum not existed. Rehashing Basement Betty’s or WS issues, or cookie cutters vs custom threads is good. Every time we brought up those issues, new ideas were formed and one’s own position may have been altered for the better. No those redundant threads are good. It’s how we learn.

Reading this thread, I have read a lot about cost.

I know how much it costs to run a Vbulletin forum, as I am one of the owners of Proflorist forum. It is the decision of the owner of these forums how much to spend on it or not. It costs less than $100 per year. If you choose to add certain features that is fine, but please lets not mislead members here that the costs are mandatory they are not. Advertising is Florist Review was your decision not the members, again those are costs you chose to indur.

There will always be new flower forums pop up and I will be part of one of those. I don’t mind spending the money and when PFF was formed, I was willing to bear the entire cost of the PFF forum, but I was talked out of that but some pretty special people. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but there will probably be a new florist forum out there that will be free of charge to its members.

The good part about forums is that they are non exclusive. A person can belong to as many or as few as they wish.

So in closing, I will not be participating in the new Flower Chat. Please consider keeping the archived threads open and available for all past FC members. It’s a simple request.

Good Luck with your new venture. I will be around until you turn off the power to my FC computer, if anyone is interested in corresponding with me my email address is or you can find me on Facebook, Twitter or hopefully a new florist’s forum.

All the best!

Joe mioux
I strongly believe now that Ryan used this on me.

Hey Aileen,

It's easy for me to say but this seems like a big leap. There have been many people who had truly antagonistic relationships with Ryan but I don't recall them ever having these issues. If Ryan was going to do something like this - and I don't think he would - it seems like there would have been other more logical targets for him.

Just my thoughts. I'm sorry for the troubles you had and what you must be feeling.
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Hey Aileen,

It's easy for me to say but this seems like a big leap. There have been many people who had truly antagonistic relationships with Ryan but I don't recall them ever having these issues. If Ryan was going to do something like this - and I don't think he would - it seems like there would have been other more logical targets for him.

Just my thoughts. I'm sorry for the troubles you had and what you must be feeling.

Did you see this part Mark??? The parts in red explains why Robin/Springcityflowers and I had issues when we swapped log in info to see if I could get on with her ID. I couldn't! That part in red is what convinced me.

v2.01 - Released as a product - all settings are in the vB options.
v2.02 - Added option for multiple usergroups to be defined as miserable.
v2.03 - Added option for IP addresses to be defined as miserable.

v2.04 - Updated multiple usergroups code.
v2.05 : Minor changes, no update necessary.
I have to agree with Mark Leenie - From what I can recall were never antagonistic with Ryan.......not that I could tell........and had Ryan wanted to do something like that.....there were and are a lot more 'bigger' targets out there.

I'm a fair judge of chracter and this seems totally out of character for Ryan.
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You know Quicken charges $9.99 a year to backup your information on their website. Depending upon the size of your file it can range from 9.99 a year to $149.99 a year.

Another thing to think about when trying to decide why should you invest the money to access this site.

I can think of one person that hasn't asked for any money (that I'm aware of) and continues to provide us design, busines and her watchful eye of that wild west of the internet.

Yes I'm talking about Cathy.

I believe it cost money to see her and husabnd perform outside of their store. And you get year round personal access to her post for only $100.00 a year.
Hey Aileen,

I can see why you would be suspicious. I truly can.

It's different for me because I know the guy personally. I just don't think this sounds like him. And I don't know why he would target you and not others or why he would it would suddenly stop.

But I really am sorry for what you must be feeling.
well someone did...if it wasn't Ryan. Someone who has ACCESS to changing the coding for the vbulletin forum FC uses. Someone who can MANUALLY input someone's username and IP address!! I may be sweet but I'm not stupid. I suppose then Ryan is the fall guy.
Aileen... this is turning into such a cespool. Ryan and his family are good people... I mean from the heart, honest and good people. This is not what he supports in any part of his life.