Cool Flower Shop Websites

BOSS said:
Hey Mark... not sure it's an FC trend... I absolutely HATE Flash myself...

I must be impatient....

That said, I have seen some very nice sites with a little flash, just not my cup of tea I guess...


Me time for flash
I too have serious reservations about flash sites being found by search engines.

If anyone would care to post classic florist-with-shopping-cart sites that have neat features and provide more than the standard layout, I'm all for it. Please highlight the comment-worthy features. (Something like 17,000 florists are using WS templates and I've posted a few of the customized ones here.)

Gotta admit that I have a bias when it comes to sites that sell only WS fare so I tend not to post them.

The most innovative presentations are generally from the wedding and event specialists but that doesn't mean they're the only ones building cool sites. I just seem to run across more of them in my web travels. :)
Right, CHR, this in no way was a knock on your posts here...I, for one, am intrigued by the FLASH sites and like to see what they are doing. Also, with my 6-8Mbps cable pipe, the "wait" that some of you speak of seems hardly a blip to me, so I personally would not count out FLASH anymore just because of the load times.

I have not had the time to research what the state-of-the-art FLASHers are doing about SEO, but I sure they are on top of it, somehow...
12BucksFor2Dozon said:
Also, with my 6-8Mbps cable pipe, the "wait" that some of you speak of seems hardly a blip to me, so I personally would not count out FLASH anymore just because of the load times.
In my case, I was not speaking of "load time" as they load fast...but when I visit a site I want to get down to business :) and I think the consumer does too.

I think what we have here is two different animals "traditional" and the other "boutique" florists ?? Otherwise why would so many of the "flashier" sites be minus a shopping cart?
O.K. here's a challenge for ya'll...

Find the best NON-flash Real Florist site....

Prize... oh I don't know, how 'bout a free month of FlowerChat :)
The best in whose opinion? :)

I am going to post a list and organize it as I told Cathy, but my life is busy right now... new store in 1 week, photoshoot all day and tomorrow for epicflowers and working at night as a HS teacher. *pants* *pants* :)
CHR said:
Hah! Found a florist-with-shopping cart. :) but it's still in *flash*
Looks like a FlowerShopNetwork template but I like the overall impression.

FLASH.... you have me looking into FLASH...

As I am looking at various site formats for a little project I'm working on to debut in January (Lord willing) I'm finding some very cool Flash Sites, and some really neat Swish Sites that are super fast loading with lots of options...

OK, so ya got me looking at least!
I've seen this site before. Absolutely gorgeous design! But that site is too bizarre... even for me. Jungle back ground, crows squawking and little stars that twinkle and want you to click on them. I can't tell if it is tacky, too eccentric or just too far gone. BUT once again, their design work is inspiring and worth admiring.
I take a look at Lotus every few months, they have changed and updated quite frequently. Before I had High speed cable, this site loaded so slowly I didn't wait for it to load. There is one thing I can say about Lotus. People remember them and love their site and their work. We often get brides from N.Y. that are coming home to get married, they are usually looking for the not so ordinary/unusal and will reference Lotus as their favorite site for viewing wedding and events. It is obvious that their site is not about the quick ordinary order. (you can't order online) It is about the whole experience, and intrique. You know as soon as you see thier site that you are going to be wowed!!!! They are after the stars, the CEO's of corps and the like. If you can't view their site I don't think they care they figure that if you can't afford high speed cable and good computer that they rather not waste thier time and yours.

Last year Teleflora tried to get us to take one of their custom designed sites at a drastically reduced price. I asked for reference sites that they had done. I believe Adelaides was one of those, we did not have High speed at the time. The sites were great but loaded to slow for the none high speed cable people, we declined for this reason. Our customers want fast and easy. I will go with flash when the large majority of customers are on high speed cable.

Knife's Wife
Knife's Wife -

You make some excellent points about judging a site based on its target market.

Speaking of customized TF templates, have you seen ?

The red frame and black backgrounds are striking, even with the TF stock photos. The use of white backgrounds for Christmas makes sense and they probably do the same for the spring holidays.

Eric - Thanks for the links. Keep 'em coming. :)
Lotus seems to load OK for me... Hmmm.... and the "stars" are clickable....

Love their "watermark"...barely detracks from the image....very nice work...neat site.... and the SheKnife hit it on the head...they are makinf a statement!!