Official FlowerChat Order Gatherer Registry

I fill ..........

100% of the price of the order ... if I get a WS order for $100 then it gets filled for $100. The 27% that we loose because of membership fees etc, is the part of having a membership, a cost of being in business.
BOSS said:
But there are still those of us that send the same exact arr for the same exact monies...local customer or YOUR customer get the same thing in MY store...
BOSS, I have lots of respect for you and the obvious hard work you put into this board, and yes many times I lash out at the wires, but I can't help but feel we are all locked into a MORTAL battle with the wires/OGs, and everyone is acting as if nothing is going on, business as usual. Yeah, I get crazy-ass about this point and sure, to some, I sound like a raving lunatic-fringe "anti-wire" nut case. I mean no disrespect to those who need the wire income/convenience and have learned to make it work for them, BUT part of me also sees this complacency as a DIRECT THREAT TO MY BUSINESS!

If *everyone* agrees to the "full-value" concept, then why would consumers EVER CALL A FLORIST DIRECT???? It's only natural that they would feel much more comfortable with a big brand backing like Martha, or Wal-mart, or Target to order from, and while this won't happen overnight, TIME IS ONE THEIR SIDE, not mine. Then, I get *no* local orders, and the wire-zombies have put me out of only sin? Trying to give the customers the most for their money...what a CRAPPY way to get beat.

So I fight back and EDUCATE as much as possible, and peel back the layers of this onion to let everyone know the truth...otherwise, I can't win. Perhaps I should stop being so loud here...that is probably good advice...its not like everyone here doesn't know the "real" story...

You're SO RIGHT about the WSs wanting to join in with the rest of the GATHERERS as part of their efforts to STEAL YOUR CUSTOMERS with their 100% SALES and your $ERVICE CHARGE while expecting to SUBCONTRACT the order back to you, albeit at seventy-one cents on YOUR NET DOLLAR plus expecting YOU to PROVIDE THEM with YOUR FREE DELIVERY.

While A GATHERER and A SKIMMER can be termed differently, they can also BEE ONE and THE SAME.


How greedy can they get? Their NOT HAPPY with their 20% COMMISSION, the rebate, and their $ERVICE CHARGE, so they SKIM OFF the $10 or $20 from the TOP of the $75 or $100 order, send it out FOR LESS, and count on the CUSTOMER never seeing what DA FLORIST SENT.

Then, and when DA SKIMMER GETS A COMPLAINT, they CANCEL the order with DA FLORIST, offer the customer a small refund, and turn that into ANOTHER PROFIT CENTER.

All during which, the WSs continue to SLEEP WITH THE ENEMIES of both DA CONSUMERS and DA FLORISTS.

It's really a very sad epitaph in an industry which used to have a STRICT SYSTEM of CHECKS and BALANCES for ALL OF THE REAL FLORISTS which participated and were subjected to FINES and/or EXPULSION when they got caught.

Today, and on THEIR STATEMENTS, they both have another PASSIVE REVENUE STREAM FEE entitled "QUALITY ASSURANCE" Of course, those of us WITH A BRAIN see that for what it is. Just another way to INTIMIDATE THE FILLER FLORISTS into FILLING THE JUNK ORDERS at 100% while expecting them to CONTINUE TO LOSE THEIR SHIRTS.

If they (da wss) were SERIOUS, they would revert back to the OLD SYSTEM of AUDITING the OUTGOING WIRE ORDERS.

Back in the 1970s and early 1980s, the FIELD REP would come into your shop to perform the inspection. And then, he would require YOU to produce the original customer invoice which MATCHED THE OUTGOING ORDER you sent.

That seemed to have MAGICALLY DISAPPEARED and right around 1984 when the FIRST 800 FLORAL ORDER GATHERER was born and screwed up the YOU DOO FORE MEE and I'LL DOO FORE YOU floral order scale of balances.

Now, neither of the BIG TWO know what they wanna bee anymore. There was a time when THEY WERE A $ERVICE provided FORE DA FLORISTS which enabled DA FLORISTS to send and receive FLORAL ORDERS with a payment guarantee.

Then, they grew into a PROVIDER of other PRODUCTS and SERVICES while still SERVING THE NEEDS of THE FLORISTS.

In today's MORPHED VERSION, they now COMPETE with their OWN FLORISTS over the FLORIST'S OWN CUSTOMERS with TOO LOW SRPs, DISCOUNTS, and MARKETING to insure that YOUR CUSTOMER calls THEIR 800 NUMBER or logs onto THEIR FLORAL DOT CON WEBSITE. And one actually turns the FORMER FLOWER BUYER into a DROP SHIP GIFT or a FARM DIRECT customer, totally eliminating THEIR OWN FLORISTS.

Suffice it to say that, they are all in the midst of CANNIBALIZING their own florists now as they feed off their young and in search of THEIR PROFITABILITY, not ours

Sooner, rather than later, THEIR FOOD SOURCE will BEE GONE!
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Well said Toto. I think all new people to this forum should read what you just posted. They might not know why you are yelling at them, but the quick education is worth it.
TOTO said:
...Suffice it to say that, they are all in the midst of CANNIBALIZING their own florists now as they feed off their young and in search of THEIR PROFITABILITY, not ours.

Sooner, rather than later, THEIR FOOD SOURCE will BEE GONE!
exactly...thxs for such an informative thing for sure, no one has ever accused me of being "politically correct", and I guess this is just another facet of that mindset.

looks like another year of no cocktail parties for me...
looks like another year of no cocktail parties for me...

Hey it's all good Mark, we'll meet up of Mojetos and after two, I'll be calling you 12Ducksfor2Bozon. lol

Fake Florists listed in Martinez, GA

Here are a few of my favorites that are listed in my town, and yours too, wouldn't it be great to have so many shops! even has pictures of his shop, but not where it is located. (in Florida)

And that was just from the first 9 pages of a Google Search of florist in Martinez, GA.
Dazeal said:
Well said Toto. I think all new people to this forum should read what you just posted. They might not know why you are yelling at them, but the quick education is worth it.

For most people it's yelling, but not in ToTo's case. Toto has posted this way since the beginning on Floristboard first and now here too. It would not even seem like it was from ToTo if he did not post the way he does. Can you please try to understand?
Sorry Patty.... I find it difficult to read with any kind of cadence when it's written like that... not just Toto, but anyone.

That being said, he's a smart person with a wealth of knowledge in the floral industry. I try to sift through the bold and the shouting (hmmmm a soap idea perhaps. ;)) to glean the information offered.

Patty, I love ya, but I agree with V. Smart when it comes to flowers, but it gets a little hard to understand, when Netiqutte was around long before Toto was online. But for you P, I'll try harder :)
Re: Actually, Danzeal........

TOTO has been around a LOT LONGER than either THE INTERNET or NETIQUETTE.

Developed MY STYLE long ago for which, I make no apologies for, nor answer TO NO ONE about!

Folks either LUV MEE or HATE MEE!

I remember passing by the SUITE of the BIG SKIMMER back in NASHVILLE (1991) and was WOWED by all of DA GIFTS which were placed at THE KING'S DOOR.

Just couldn't believe that, there were THAT MANY FLORISTS kissing his derriere.

Suffice it to say, HE HATED TOTO's GUTS!

And, only because THE TRUTH HURTS, right?

During the course of that CONVENTION, it was inevitable that we would meet up, especially due to HIS ENTOURAGE.

So, face to face, our eyes met, and one of his followers asked me why I was so ANTI (their God). Happened to be one of OUR OWN FORMER DC's who was sleeping with DA ENEMY.

Then, I said; Well Jim, we could be friends (not!) and he said; CORDIAL would be as far as we would ever get.

So, what say YOU DAZEAL?
Don't really know where to post this and perhaps it has been addressed but, we just got an order through Floralsource for Vancouver Flower Company. Thought this was the one dumped by Tel earlier. Kind of discouraging.
LORRIE said:
Don't really know where to post this and perhaps it has been addressed but, we just got an order through Floralsource for Vancouver Flower Company. Thought this was the one dumped by Tel earlier. Kind of discouraging.
Run are the #1 skimmer......have caught them twice before they got kicked out of FTD. I would not trust that order for anything.
That surprises me too Lorrie...and disappoints me.
bloomz said:
That surprises me too Lorrie...and disappoints me.

Yep. Think it was at least 5 or 6 weeks ago that I said that Floral Source was signing up major skimmers right and left and that it was my opinion that they were actively soliciting them. I also said that's why I could no longer support or recommend them as a viable alternative to the Big 2 or 3. A few FS supporters seemed to take offense to and issue with my statement then.

I solidly stand behind what I said then.
I have been catching up....

on the pretty interesting opinions on the $100....27%.....discussion. I don't recall if anyone referred to the fact that the sending florist also has: Selling time on that order such as; Employee wages, etc. I know I have had some customers that I thought would never make up their mind on that $30 arrangement much less the $100 one! Sometimes 20% doesn't feel like it is enough for all you go through to get that sale completed and sent out!

I really have the issues with the 7% on top of all the other fees;membership, transmission, low sending, reciprocity, etc. I feel the sending florist did a fair portion of the work getting the sale finalized and taking the burden off you to have to sell it as well as make it. I don't think that a customer is getting or should feel "skimmed" if you take the approach of the selling employee/(Shop) as part of the total package, because you have to do that leg work yourself in that local order that is staying at your shop.
So, what say YOU DAZEAL?

I have no idea what you are talking about Toto. Your quirky typing is your deal and that's cool, we all need our statement.

As for Floral Source. I know more about this story and all I can say is, it's being taken care of. Before people here start to assume, they should hear all sides, even if all sides spin it round. Maybe I was spun too and I am not saying I am right or wrong. Time will tell is all I will say for now. :)
new type of online flower site using Teleflora's network of local florists in every c Launching a New Online Flower Store Offering Local Delivery Anywhere in the United States

Flora Rose is launching there premier online flower store today. this will be a full service online flower shop offering same day delivery of fresh flowers, gift baskets, or any other floral gift. this is a new type of online flower site using Teleflora's network of local florists in every city in the united states to ensure on time professional arrangements delivered right to your door. Our arrangements are never dropped shipped they are always hand arranged by a talented local florist.

the article...

their website...