Official FlowerChat Order Gatherer Registry


Just make sure on how you use the word Skimmer. As it can be considered that these florists are skimming money off these orders (which they may not be). These are order gatherers.

Having coined the word SKIMMER back in 1984 as I described the 800-FLORAL ORDER GATHERER back then, I consider DA SKIM as having that double edge blade.

In my mind, an order gatherer is always a SKIMMER since, they CAPTURE THE CONSUMER'S 100% SALE FIRST, and then, SKIM OFF THE CREAM (20% commission plus their $ervice charge) while subcontracting out the curd at net 70 cents on the filler's dollar coupled with FREE DELIVERY TOO!

What differentiates DA SKIMMER from a REAL FLORIST is in WHO CAN DOO DA DOO versus WHO NOT BEE doing DA DOO!

Add to that, the newer better CURTAILMENT FACTOR and you have the TWO HANDS in YOUR TILL SKIMMER ANOMOLY.

So, DA FILLER florist can, in fact, BE SKIMMED TWICE and by the same PERPETRATOR.

Which begets; SKIM MEE ONCE, shame on YOU! SKIM MEE TWICE, shame on MEE!
can anything be done?

Hi, new here so I apologise now if this has already been discussed here... we are a flowers by sears local florist, but are currently in our last month of operating with them. we have found flowers by sears "the flower people" (ya right!) to be basic theives and have quit (short of our contract even)... the interworkings of the sears program is boarderline scandulous... is there nothing as florists (or even possibly a group of florists) can do to stop them from continueing to operate? It is so so frustrating to see these companies continue to rip us all off!

are there any other former or current Flowers by Sears "Local" or "Preffered" florists out there that feel they were seriously mis-led?
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Just QUIT the W.S., than and only than, that is when nobody hurt your business ever again. It's so it's rather scary isn't it.
Terrafolia said:
Hi, new here so I apologise now if this has already been discussed here... we are a flowers by sears local florist, but are currently in our last month of operating with them. we have found flowers by sears "the flower people" (ya right!) to be basic theives and have quit (short of our contract even)... the interworkings of the sears program is boarderline scandulous...
Well, at least you finally have seen the light. *ALL* wire services are "borderline scandulous" and "basic thieves", but you will still find plenty of silent defenders of them here on FC, and although they will say WS are crap but still send orders over them and take customers money for it...(go figure?)

You have to build a florist one customer at a time these days, the days of hooking to a wire and becoming successful are LONG gone. That makes it much more expensive to get customers to use you. Add to that the full-page OG ads in your local yellow pages and you will find you have a steep climb to make a living in this business now.

Good luck to have made an important first step to your future success.
Call from "Gift Tree" of Vancouver WA

Got a call from Gift Tree of Vancouver WA today wanting to send a fruit basket tomorrow. I asked her if she was the Gift Tree on the internet pretending to be my flower shop? She said No, we do have a web site though! So I am pulling up my Merc Direct program to do a florist search and she states this is a Teleflora Order, of which I'm not..sorry (hang up) so I look in my old TF book and there they are sending only. Geez, there are 3 Teleflora Shops in this tri town area (one just opened-had Teleflora before they opened the door or got a cooler) can't they get them to fill it?
That is a first though, them calling. Ah well, the holiday crap starts..Be Very Vigilant :)
Florarose info

Acording to research they are resurfacing again
Guaranteed Florist Inc.
PO Box 4618
Mission Viejo, CA 92690


Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
Guaranteed Florist Inc.
PO Box 4618
Mission Viejo, CA 92690
1-800-444-5770 fax: 999-999-9999

And they are right in our back yard almost

another ftd managed site?

Looks like it's managed by ftd as orders that come from there also include the senders e-mail address......same format as loblaws orders.
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Another one

The Flower Concern-Mission Viejo, California
TF 14-0207 sending only
Sent me $45.00 delivered for TF9-1 which is listed at TF.Com for 99.95! I told them to stick it needless to say and lodged a complaint with TF, for all the good it will do.
Is there anyway we can make at list of all of these reported that can be updated so we don't have to read through pages of posts???
Missy at work
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Looks like the same as this one.
#167 18th November 2005
Registered User Join Date: May 2005
Location: Fountain Valley
Posts: 29
Rep Power: 11

Florarose info


Acording to research they are resurfacing again
Guaranteed Florist Inc.
PO Box 4618
Mission Viejo, CA 92690


Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
Guaranteed Florist Inc.
PO Box 4618
Mission Viejo, CA 92690
1-800-444-5770 fax: 999-999-9999

Missy Does the phonenumber check?
A new year and a new company
I did not get a 1-800 in the dove order, that is how the whole thing started as I was going to contact the florist as I thought they had mad a mistake. It was only when I could not locate them that I called Teleflora only to find out they are a sending only shop. That is when is all became very clear, and I am sure Teleflora wish they had never answered the phone to me yesterday!
Missy - Take a look at this page See "London's finest florist" and "Local London Florist"? Both companies are part of this group:
0 11Flowers

(800) 444-5770
(888) 445-8828
(949) 348-0493
(949) 582-6419

The order you received was probably sold by now redirects to that URL.

Two questions come to mind...

Why are they allowed to use their bogus claims in their ads?

And why aren't any local London stores advertising in Google?

CHR said:
And why aren't any local London stores advertising in Google?

London has for florists per captia than any other Canadian city. Some darn fine ones, too. Shame none are trying to compete for that market.
I can not believe this. I received an order for yellow tulips this am from a shop on the dove system going under the name of Flowers 444-4444 and the code number of 01-460200. I did not have yellow tulips so I sent an inquiry to see if I could sub with another color. I got back an answer telling me to refuse the order. I sent back to them they if they wanted to cancel the order they should send me a cancellation. I received the same answer. I called thier 800 Number and it was answered by Affordable flowers! I told them they would have to send the cancellation themselves so that I am not being charged for an order that was not mine. He answered by saying I accepted the order so it was mine. I replied that the order had come over the Dove system and when I had tried to substitute on it they refused to let me so I don't feel it was ever my order so I am not going to waste anymore time or money on it to send a refusal when they can cancel it and it will cost them. They eventually sent a cancel, so on the confirmation I asked them to remove me from their filling list as they will be posted here as a do not fill for. Boy I think this is the longest rant I have posted here Sorry :wallhead:
Yea.... I see that now....

*&^%##@$%^ (*))&^% ^%^& ^ && @@@@@@@@@@
I bet all of you die hard fan of FTD are probably litle bit upset.
FTD and TF are not for florists anymore the are for themselves.
They say they want us in their corner, so we can fill for them but at the same time they knife you in the back with web site like that. Who gonna be able to fill 18 sweetheart roses for $29.95 US delivered at valentine?
Say no to DRUGS. They corrupt your little mind.