Wedding Pictures

Bouquet Boxes

I have seen a few people use these boxes for Bouquets, do you buy them or make them? And where from? I have never seen them in Australia before...


Great work everyone, these look fantastic, especially love the Fiddlefern, which I am trying desperately to find, anyone know where I can get this stuff from that is Artificial, won't be able to import the Fresh Stuff...
where on that site are they I looked but no luck.. thank you!
Found the item number for these vases on Couronne Company
M011-936 $11.45 for the set, including the hanger.
Might of been a sale price, they have promotions often.

Some more coming in.


Thom, are these regular ole sunflowers with the petals pulled, or something else??? Thanks! Love the combo of the fuzzy millet, great texture! Am "stealing" this combo for an arch spray next week...hope you don't mind :rolleyes:
today's wedding - hydrangea & starfish, my first Lei for the groom.
Last week's wedding - hot pinks & oranges, fun fun

One more tomorrow. BLUE roses lol


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Love that blue wrap!!!!!!
Dee Dee - it's a scrapbooking thingamajig that I got on sale at AC Moore - felt lacey cut out border. I can't wait to use it in next week's wedding - red on black. fun!
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My friend who is a planner in DC, the same we worked with several weeks ago at the Cape has just joined Facebook. Her company is Pineapple Productions. She is busy downloading lots of photos from events we have worked on together. I almost forgot about this one. Remember several months ago the wedding in DC that Sylvia Weinstock showed up finally at 11:00? The one that Marcy found the cupcakes?

Here are a few photos from that. I never saw the cake, it's beautiful. I guess when your Sylvia you can arrive anytime you want with work like this?


Tracy, those bouquets are absolutely stunning, well done you!! And those pics, i would kill for pics like those xx
You know one of the first questions to the bride is WHOs doing your photos. I quick take and write it down, and after the first consult I contact the person doing the photos. I also ways say if they send me pics I will post them on my flash site and my blog and give them the credit. It's win, win, my work and their great photos. I have some GREAT photos in my portfolio I am very proud of. P.s. just before the wedding I send another e-mail saying I would love great flower pics.. they always say they will take them~
I'm loving how you guys are using the zebra grass. I drove by a garden center yesterday and saw a row of tall Zebra Grass plants in 10 inch buckets that are half off. I've never used the stuff but I want to.

Dore, is that a picture of you?