Wedding Pictures

Labeling of the Corsages, Boutonierres, and Bouquets really does make a difference. I usually ask the brides to provide with the names of the people in the wedding party and their role - such as MOH, Groomsman, MOB, etc.

Attaching a small label to each design.......making it 'personalized' - goes a long way toward making that best impression. I also can't count the number of 'planners' who have said....."Thank you for labeling.....I did not know who got what"
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Beautiful!!!! Love, love the composite rose. Gorgeous and beautifully done. Love it on the wire. I'm going to sell one for next year's weddings. It would be great for a mom. Great colors. Just love the whole wedding.
I always individually label corsages and bouts - but, on the bags I deliver them in. I would be afraid that they would get wet if inside wrapping in the cooler?
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For weddings we have always used the long clear boxes intended for boxed roses and then add shred and label each corsage/bout. You can get multiple pieces in one box and it's easy to count or see exactly what you have. We also put our label on the top of the box and can leave it and not worry too much that the each person will get their flower. Very few of our brides want a full service wedding around here, so we don't stick around once the flowers are delivered and done.
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All of our weddings include full church service. It doesn't matter if there is already church or wedding coordinator, we are there to staff the ceremony for 45 minutes until the second the bride goes down the aisle. Since I'm usually the one that does the pinning, I have found this is the most efficient way to display and sort through.

All brides are required to bring a written or typed list of full names, the role in the bridal party and how who is related to who (so I know which side of the family to approach to find the people.)

We do not bag or box anything and have never had a problem with quality. Everything is pinned to the box as it is made with the label and grouped in categories. When all bouts/ corsages are made, the whole box gets sprayed down with crowning glory, allowed to dry and gets stored in the cooler. Bouts/ corsages are the last things made before we leave on Fridays. Never had any moisture problems with the name tags in the cooler.

This system works well for us. It's simple, personalized and streamlined.
FUN, FUN, FUN, Wedding tomorrow! It's a Marie Antoinette/ french/ dark/ peacock themed wedding. The bride is a tattooed, record store manager with funky hair. This is the type of event I live for. She came in today and got to see everything and cried. I live for that too!

The blue bouquet is hers (possibly my favorite bouquet I ever made) and the bridesmaids were 6" composite bouquets of black magic roses and a wire holder I made. (So glad there were only 4 of those)

I'm good friends with the photographer so I'll have pro pics later in the week. So excited about this one!

We also have another large wedding tomorrow with white hydrangeas and pale pink rose cubes which is something I can't really get excited about compared to this, but to each their own...

P h e n O m e N o l !!!!!!!!!
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We do not bag or box anything and have never had a problem with quality. Everything is pinned to the box as it is made with the label and grouped in categories. When all bouts/ corsages are made, the whole box gets sprayed down with crowning glory, allowed to dry and gets stored in the cooler. Bouts/ corsages are the last things made before we leave on Fridays. Never had any moisture problems with the name tags in the cooler.

This system works well for us. It's simple, personalized and streamlined.

April, what do you mean, you "pinned to the box"? are they in a box?
or , on a box?
April, what do you mean, you "pinned to the box"? are they in a box?
or , on a box?

They are all pinned inside of this flat box:

We layer the bottom of the box with thick padding and cover it with tissue and pin into the padding so it stays put but doesn't come out the bottom. Since we are there for the pinning, I usually just take the box back when we are done and reuse it. So the only cost for presenting them this way is the cost of one piece of card stock to make the name tags. I reuse the tissue and boxes.
LOOOOOVE this thread! You guys ROCK! Gorgeous, clever, artistic and photogenic design work. Wow.

Hope everyone is putting these photos out on the web so real brides can see them. :)

Here's a recent bouquet from our shop - 'Schwarzwalder' calla lilies, 'Amnesia' roses, kale, green cymbidium orchids, Lavender Lady anthuriums, hydrangeas, hanging amaranthus and tropical foliages.


The one below was not for a wedding - it was one of two hand-tied presentation bouquets made for gala chairwomen for a local museum event. The night's theme was 'Treasures of Napoleon' and the color palette was white, red and gold (and darn difficult to NOT make look like Christmas.)

They are all pinned inside of this flat box:

We layer the bottom of the box with thick padding and cover it with tissue and pin into the padding so it stays put but doesn't come out the bottom. Since we are there for the pinning, I usually just take the box back when we are done and reuse it. So the only cost for presenting them this way is the cost of one piece of card stock to make the name tags. I reuse the tissue and boxes.
I am not sure what I am impressed more with....
your cool idea of presenting these, or
the fact that you know the exact link to the product on uline : o)
and, on a Saturday night!
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I am not sure what I am impressed more with....
your cool idea of presenting these, or
the fact that you know the exact link to the product on uline : o)
and, on a Saturday night!

Haha! I have to confess that I'm an obsessive email labeler. I have all emails forwarded to gmail and I file them in very specific ways. I knew the company and product could be found by searching for "business invoices" + "boxes". I have a bit of a photographic memory for emails so it's pretty easy for me to pull up anything at any time I want. Just figured out the site, the item # and searched it on the site for the link. Took me 30 seconds.

Kinda sad, huh?
Haha! I have to confess that I'm an obsessive email labeler. I have all emails forwarded to gmail and I file them in very specific ways. I knew the company and product could be found by searching for "business invoices" + "boxes". I have a bit of a photographic memory for emails so it's pretty easy for me to pull up anything at any time I want. Just figured out the site, the item # and searched it on the site for the link. Took me 30 seconds.

Kinda sad, huh?
I will have to re-read this tomorrow to try to figure out this filing system...
it kinda made my head hurt.
I will have to re-read this tomorrow to try to figure out this filing system...
it kinda made my head hurt.

Sorry. I have to confess that I'm a little OCD with data/ details. I'm the biggest slob you know, but I know exactly when and where everything is to the point my bookeeper kept looking at the invoices and would just ask me what I spent on what date.... and sadly I can dictate the time, date and location of each item purchased.

Like I said, OCD.
Sorry. I have to confess that I'm a little OCD with data/ details. I'm the biggest slob you know, but I know exactly when and where everything is to the point my bookeeper kept looking at the invoices and would just ask me what I spent on what date.... and sadly I can dictate the time, date and location of each item purchased.

Like I said, OCD.
I think it is awesome.
Small fall backyard wedding this weekend...brrr! The centerpieces were silk, the bridal party fresh. Snapped this picture as I was delivering. The idea for the box was posted on another thread by someone else...thank you! I use it to deliver bouquets unless they need ice packs, then I use a bouquet box. I take out the vase, which contains enough stones to keep the ribbon from getting wet, then remove the box. I use a similar method for transporting large altar pieces made in inserts. I can switch vases if needed for the reception, which give the arrangements a different look or double duty.


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Reign all weekend!

I feel bad for the bride I did wedding for this past weekend, the weather was miserable, she was getting married outside, and had to switch to inside location...

Sorry for the long video, but I love the song and did not want to cut it short....

Beautiful pics everyone! April I am obsessed with your dark composite rose on wire. I have to try it; I have the roses and the wire. (mine is copper). I don't know how many takers I'll get, but how cool!
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The pro shots are in! The only downside was it was a cold/ rainy day so the photographer didn't get all the shots she wanted.

Such a fun wedding. The bride is so gorgeous!


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